Crypto: Louasiana City (Lafayette) to Issue Crypto Bond?

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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Blockchain and decentralized ledgers will disrupt many things as we progress in their development. Government will be one of those administrative systems.

The city of Lafayette's mayor is very forward looking, he believes AI and blockchain technologies could save massive amounts of government costs.

This would in turn, shrink the government. We have the large problem of Central Banking cartels, pulling massive amounts of value out of the system with fiat currencies.

This could mark the beginnings of a trend, that will free humankind, from the monetary shackles imposed by the UN, the IMF and other Central Bank Organizations.

War as we know it, will end, when the ability for central authorities to extract the money from populous ceases. Taking the financial system back and decentralizing the power to citizens will revolutionize society.



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Blockchain will change alot of the world ..seriously when i heard about the blockchain i was like really who was the genius who made this happen....
Blockchain has much more to offer and infact is also offering alot..people just need eyes to see what potential blockchain holds...
images (19).jpeg

Blocking to get the right ideas and ideas. I agree that America is the city block
It's fast growing..


Thank you for sharing. That was a mind blowing revelation for me that the decentralization of money could lead to less war funding. This really could revolutionize society like you said. Block chain will make the world a better place. I look forward to the future.

Superb thought of the city mayor Lafayette's....Absolutely right idea and concept is awesome for blockchain. I also agree that AI and blockchain technologies could save massive amounts of government costs.

I am agree that block chain is the part of our successfull future.
Its growing up quickly.
I apreciate this at all and want to become a part.


The blockchain technology is so useful for a lot of process in politic can help to a goverment to track all movements and have a more transparent work for people i mean we can reduce the mafia inside goverments. Regards

Well this all may happen if governments will help crypto grow, in our country it has been banned, maybe government is afraid of this system, they know they will loose authority over the money in no time if crypto becomes world wide.
I think in future there will be crypto reserves rather than gold reserves, but in some countries where it's been supported.

The world of encryption has become very big
The world has become an economic war because of electronic currencies
We wish you success
Really very special article

Hey man. I wish it could revolutionize the society and decentralise the power.
Eh, if it was that easy. Let's see what the next bull run leads us to.

Dunno no matter what I've done, I was super unlucky with your giveaways.
Even though I'm a long-timer sub heh, sad me :'(

obviously if we use blockchain positively
it will have massive benefits in every field

As crypto is growing day by day and soon it will be spread the whole world recently a meeting for block chain and crypto currency is held in UAE and i think more then 30 countris participate in this meeting and dicuss about crypto and block chain which is a great work and upgrowing of crypto

Those are great new i always like to hear about new places which get crypto it's just show us that it's here to stay and become bigger and bigger market

it's worth mentioning, that cryptocurrencies, and bitcoin in particular, are extremely convenient for black market transactions. and that is THE problem imo

The US dollar is used even more. You can’t get rid of black markets. Central totalitarianism isn’t the answer either lmao. That’s sheep mentality

Among decentralized platforms I especially highlight those who target creating a Universal Basic Income, such as Manna or SwiftDemand, both of which are tax-exempt projects.

But also other platforms like Bettex,Sancoy are interesting..

Thank you!

I’m against UBI personally. It’s socialist and anti freedom to give things for free.

I agree 1000%. There is no way back now.
They started a war against cryptos because they can see they future. Just like we can see it also.
And they are afraid...because this economic model is just fine for them.
Revolution is on the way...

My Dear friend @investing 😃 , I agree with you in your opinion, really, that the power of decentralization will revolutionize with citizens because it is without restrictions .
Good luck my friend 👍😃😊

Thanks for sharing cryptocurrency update providing news.
I appreciate your every post

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency have come to save man kind. Government agencies and authorities have a bigger problem at hand.

It is not left for the people to decide what they want. As for me,
Blockchain all the way. Crypto till the very end of time

@mychidera-eu founder of @mysteemitnation

Block chain is going to change the world in an unprecedented manner. Block chain is based on a decentralized system in which data is not stored in the hands of a single entity. It is rather distributed over a huge network of computers that makes your data 100% safe and cannot be hacked. Block Chain has recently been applied in many avenues such as financial transactions, storing of land records in the Indian State of Telangana and conducting elections in Sierra Leone. Block Chain also has its application in Social Media.Public trust in companies like FaceBook has been on the fall due to its recent scandal. Steemit will provide an alternative for this.... Nice article @investing keep it up subscribed your YouTube channel!!

The mayor of Lafayette, Louisiana has proposed the city create its own cryptocurrency to raise money for public finance, taking a cue from Berkeley, California, according to The Acadia Advocate. Such blockchain-based municipal borrowing, should it materialize, could revolutionize local funding in the U.S. and beyond.

Joel Robideaux, Lafayette’s mayor-president, made the proposal during his annual address at the Heymann Center, calling his city a technology hub that will diversify the local economy and upgrade government services. The city is currently in severe economic straights and plans are in the works for additional taxes.

Robideaux, like his counterparts in Berkeley, sees cryptocurrency as a way to finance public works and allow citizens to participate in the financing. He called cryptocurrency an alternative for financing public infrastructure.

Robideaux said he was recognizing that the realm of banking, finance and payment systems has changed forever, and that government, healthcare and “possibly every industry” is soon to be disrupted. He dismissed the idea that cryptocurrency is being promoted by global libertarians seeking unregulated and untraceable digital currency transactions.

Unlike Berkeley planners, however, Robideaux gave no details on how his proposal for cryptocurrency application to municipal finance will work, or how he will motivate investors to support his vision.

Berkeley, by contrast, plans to back its cryptocurrency with municipal bonds and to offer crypto enabled “microbonds” to support affordable housing and homeless projects

I don't what think about the government in those systems. Maybe will be great, waiting for more información. Thank u @investing

The city of Lafayette's mayor is very forward looking, he believes AI and blockchain technologies could save massive amounts of government costs.

It's fun to enjoy. I think, a very genius thought from the mayor's father in saving the government budget.

In addition, the mayor's father has also reduced the unemployment rate and crime rate, all of which comes from the economic difficulties of everyday life.

I personally strongly agree with intelligent and wise thinking from the mayor's father.

Thank you @investing for sharing something really amazing. May all parties welcome the intelligent thinking of the mayor.

Have a wonderful day!

Thanks for cryptocurrency news update providing....
i appreciate your post, keep it up

this is great ti have crypto over news

there are people who will lose power if blockchain technologies are used
they are trying their best to suppress the growth of crypto
otherwise people are well aware about the benefits of blockchain

Hello buddy I hope you're having a good start of the week. Thank you for sharing with this platform. All that will be well received if it helps to grow this world of crypto. Grateful with all your support. Let the successes continue \o/

hey mr connor thanks giving information to this community
i hope this world of cryto gets better
thanks for sharing
just saw it on youtube as always
cheers o/

The mayor of Lafayette, Louisiana has proposed the city create its own cryptocurrency to raise money for public finance, taking a cue from Berkeley, California, according to The Acadia Advocate. Such blockchain-based municipal borrowing, should it materialize, could revolutionize local funding in the U.S. and beyond.
Joel Robideaux, Lafayette’s mayor-president, made the proposal during his annual address at the Heymann Center, calling his city a technology hub that will diversify the local economy and upgrade government services. The city is currently in severe economic straights and plans are in the works for additional taxes.

Absolutely right blockchain technologies could save massive amounts of government costs. Blockchain technology is better than the banking system. In current world i think banking system is slow not not secure like blockchain. Thanks sir @investing for sharing the great news.

This great post, i like this dtube channel.
best of luck my dear friend....

its really great thinking sir,,,
the worth of crypto raising with time,,its really great through block chain

awesome idea,,dear sir


great thing is the city mayor Lafayette's,,by dint of great usefull
blockchain,,it can give lot of helping

Excellent for city's mayor Lafayette's fantastic thoughts .... blocking in get the right concepts and ideas. I agree that AI and Block Of Next technology may pay the government.
I agree that the block chain is part of our successful future.
It's fast growing
I appreciate all of this and want to be a part of it.



i am same to your opinion
the raising of cryptocurrency is growing day by day,.
its really demandable thing of valuable block chain ,,i appreciated

It change a lot of world superb content from @investing very like because this content is about crypto currency and i like very much crypto currency

Thanks for the information,
It's good to see these people are thinking to move to the blockchain, the most secure network in the world.

The scheme allows for Berkeley to build on blockchain to provide its citizenry with homes fit for human habitation, that are affordable and accessible, based on a bespoke Berkeley UC/City bond scheme, that could create a low-to-middle income economic boost in the area.

Transferring the municipal bond market to a digital platform will create a more efficient process than the paper-based process involving multiple stakeholders, Berkeley Councillor Ben Bartlett told Citylab. The city can create a public ledger that displays financial statements and cuts out the middle man, he said, which reduces the transaction costs normally associated with bond issuances.

The government of a city in Louisiana has advocated the development of a state-issued cryptocurrency. The Lafayette mayor-president announced the bold proposal during his annual address at the Heymann Center.

Yes, the future is definitely bright, because cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies are going to provide freedom for us by destroying the banks and limiting the amount of power the governments have because of decentralization!

They're too damn scared of the blockchain technology!
They don't like justice and freedom!

Thanks a lot for information...

Hey @investing it's always great to see your report and always have investors to take the right decision for your post you really done a great work.All of crypto is still in the early stages, especially blockchain technology. Lots more to be done in the future, but it will happen with time.

Crypto Bond? I think I heard it right!
It looks an amazing addition to the Cryptocurrency world. Let's see how it will benefit the masses in future. I don't know while these things are happening, why many countries are banning crypto like recently our state bank has banned any kind of trading in crypto.

Is this instead of issuing municipal bonds?

The cryptocurrencies provide a means of digital exchange, which is global and generalized, with which we can obtain goods and services specific to our needs. When we talk blockchain we associate it with globalization, since from any part of the world we can make a transaction, get a track of our spending, track our product and receive it in a certain time; everything from home.
This would affect the way of life of all of us, since we would enter a phase of evolution, where many of us will work from home, we could carry our own business, make our own investment, reducing a series of obstacles that we commonly encounter in life real. Thus, from the same way, we will streamline our financial, legal and personal obligations effectively.
upvoted and resteem

Okay so it took me some time to get through both the articles and understand the depth of the issue.
Here is the deal. This guy 'Joel Robideaux' is dong some ground breaking work on socio-economic-blockchain issue. Not only is he trying to bring in the blockchain based economic option for his city but he is also trying to turn it into a long term viable solution rather than it just being a one time thing.

I have heard reports like these before but this has one major point that makes me believe that this could be the real deal and not just a publicity stunt. He is actually in the process of actively recruiting talented individuals for his 'Blockchain Lab'. This is the most important point in the whole article as far as I am concerned.

Why? Because this would be the first time a blockchain based economic merger between a regional government body and cryptos could finally happen. There is literally no precedent (except for a few isolated one-time things). This is where all the research and money and time spent on it is going to pay off.

I think if he was just trying to make headlines with the millennial then he would have talked about the possibility of the payment option. Taking the initiative to start a group that is research oriented and is dedicated to back what they are proposing tells us that this could be real.

Thanks for this post man. Kind of made my day :-)

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