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RE: Shopin Wins 1st Place ICO at The North American Bitcoin Conference 2018

This is the one to watch.
Taking Data from the thieves (Marketeers and corporations) and giving it to consumer so they can exchange it for tokens, why didn't I think of that.
It really is aligned with the steemit community. I'm looking forward to this being in retail.
It's looking at this company that I see that there really is a revolution taking place and we haven't even scratched the surface yet.


We are working hard to take retail to the next level. Thank you for those kind words :)

It's exciting that a major shift is coming in retail. The main benefactor being the consumer and the fair retailers. This really is going to be a nice change, the faster the better.

Hey there..thanks. Are you a part of our telegram community? Come and chat with all our executive team there. :)