Well it appears my good friends that the end has come. I'll write both the facts and the speculations and make sure to denote which is which.
For those that have been following burst coin for the past 12 months or even as short as 60 days we have seen a roller coaster that is typical of a coin that become a true P&D (Pump & Dump). Lets take a look....
A year ago the coin was on a nice expected growth pattern, new members started to flood to flood into a coin that was "green" when compared to typical PoW coins.
Enter Adam Guerbuez and his associate "Focus". There were warning made to the community that were ignored. The hope was for a bright future with an individual that has we hoped had been reformed. His reputation of being known as the "King of Spam" was well known but ignored, after all he was a great promoter. From now on we will call him Flavor Flav, the Hype man of Burst.
Focus is a self proclaimed "Administrative GOD of Burst". Where he teaches pool admin how to "protect themselves" he claims to be able to merge BlockChains and the answer just come to him, from this point forward we shall call him "Neo", why not they both can see the Matrix right?
Quickly Flavor Flav and Neo set to work to acquire as many coins as possible. The started by buying them on exchanges and mining. Quickly they learned to exploit the community by launching assets that are indicative of MLM scams or Ponzis by collecting millions of Burst from community members in exchange for ownership in projects.
Other assets they Raised Capital Against:
FlexCore (Formerly Flex) - 100m Burst
Burst4All - 12m Burst
FlexMark - 15m Burst
BurstNation Radio - 60M Burst
MikeTheMug - 10M? Burst
MTMGaming - 50M Burst
OGBurst - (Sold in BTC EST @ 30BTC)
Stolen Development Funds - 2m Burst
Other Holdings
BurstCasino.com (43%)
Bitsler.com (unknown)
vBurst (100%) - a made up currency that converts to their own holdings
BurstCasino has a GREAT start until it bankrupted because it was paying out the owners DIRECTLY FROM THE BANK ROLL. Over 100million burst were paid out, and after bankrupting instead of paying back in they issued "SnakeEyes" and raised 60M additional capital. Go figure why put money in if you can get more from the community.
Another project was "Burst4All", a mining system that collected 12 MILLION BURST. Initially it paid well but then the project was off loaded to another member who did not properly do the evaluations, they kept the physical hardware, 100TB Miner and the the 12M Burst. All they gave the new owner was a giant pile of pain. The assets below have been rounds off to show the gross collection of coins.
Fast forward to 60 days ago where Burst coin saw a rapid rise in price with no justification, reaching nearly 1000 satoshis and then crashing back down. You ask, Ice, why do you think it's them? Lets ask a better question, Why do they keep 90% of their Burst coins on Polo if they aren't planning on selling? Yes it's speculation but it does add up.
They started their own website, the "official Burst Coin site" which it is NOT. Which now has been flagged by Anti-Virus software serving content from a .ZA domain. They continue to promote their products and complete nothing other than the securing of additional funds.
Enter some very angry people!
DDoSing started against many of the mining pools. Forums.Burst-Team.US as continually down, the Block Explorer is completely corrupted and finally we are seeing an attack on the actual block chain. The report is of 300K Unconfirmed transactions against a blockchain that is only designed to handle 256 transactions per 4 minutes. This number of transactions will fork the entire entire and it will be unrecoverable because it will exceed the max roll back time.
Bittrex.com has already disabled Burst due to block chain instability and I expect other exchange to follow suit.
The block chain is a complete mess, see the below chart.
Good night Burst. Sleep well in your cold dark coffin.
Added Info by Another SteemIt Member: https://steemit.com/news/@lexicon/burstcoin-network-large-scale-attack
Damn, a lot of scams with that coin. I got into mining Burst back in August, but the network had so many problems that I eventually dropped out before investigating the other aspects of the network. With transaction speeds being rather slow and wallets unreliable, I figured why bother staying. Seemed like a good deal in the beginning, but just could not carry water in the end.
We were working very closely with BURST-TEAM in the beginning when we saw all the issues with the community and Assets being manipulated by social manipulators we decided to take the exit stage left.
We are still working with many of the great people in the Former BURST Community and we are going to put together something to help make all the past BURST Holders Whole!
Sounds positive. Will follow for further updates. Thanks for the heads up! :-)
Are you yourself a holder? I have a small amount... but still I really hate to hear all this.... Are you working on BURST itself or something else?
We are working with Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Tech we are a group of Blockchain Pioneers and Consultants that Train and help Market or Advertise Real Cryptocurrency projects.
Very well written, gave a great insight into what happen in Burst. Upvoted & Resteemed. Great info!
I really appreciate the comment and valued opinion of a trusted member of the SteemIt community
really great written! Still my burst coins are fcked :D what else is there to do, besides crying in the corner now... Do you have any coins yourself?
I do, as a Dev for this coin I cry myself to sleep as my ambitions and motivations are dwindling, you can see in my public wallet I have over seven figures worth of coins. I also have additional wallets that I don't share that are Cold Wallets. My recommendation is if you can get your original investment back out I would say, nothing gained, nothing lost. Lets just call it a learning experience.
what is your take on Burst now?
Great post..
Thanks for share..
Thank you for the upvote, I try to present all my data as factually as possible
ouch, didn't realize there was a connection with Bitsler too!?
Bitsler.win, anyone who goes through this link and signs up is automatically under his referral! I just don't want to promote it.ABSOLUTELY. http://www.Bitsler.com is the official gambling site, Adam ownsInteresting, a few people have been leaving comments on my site www.bitcoingamblingreviews.com saying Bitsler is a scam and I had no idea why.
I don't know for a fact if Bitsler itself is a scam. I do know that the promotion of it is a complete farse by posting videos of the same individual winning over and over, also if you watch the video you will notice that the URL is hidden by blur or over laid with a text graphic to hide it.
I always know this coin was going nowhere, while there are many coin which try hard to combine proof of available resources and turn it into a usable decentralized storage bustcoin was only a proof of wasted resources. Which gaves it zero underlying value.
Interesting. Thanks
Ah... I hoped the Burs will flourish. Their proof of empty space was promising for mining...
It has a very low cost of entry, didn't require any special ASICs or GPUs. It was as much an "every mans" coin as those that are written with M7M algorithms. It's major flaw was lack of development for a two year period.
Hope there will be something similar but of better quality soon.
This is the kind of stuff that makes me nervous about crypto, how do you avoid a dud?
I wish there was an easy answer. I guess if I had to sum it up in a couple short bullets it would be:
That should be a good start.
You avoid a dud simply by not taking on the risk of investing. But if you want to score, you have to shoot ;)@dodder007
Well it's people like Adam Guerbuez and Focus that cause these problems in cryptocurrencies like BURST and ViralCoin and other projects and communities that they have destroyed in the past. @fyrstikken has had his fair share of dealings with Adam in the past just ask him for his experiences.
He's even been on CTV about being sued for spamming facebook.
As you will notice in that video, i lost a bit of weight due to the stress of my situation back then.
I'll have you all know that i am now fine and my weight has recovered to leviathan levels as intended by nature.
Wow, that's a crazy facist arbitrary fine. The Canadian Judge(s) are way out of their duties to cause harm with this kind of fines.
Burst is looking good now. Lucky I ignored the FUD and bought some when it was cheap.
Burst coin is one of my favorite crypto projects. It can't be held responsible for casino cowboys etc.
They can keep posting of Bursts demise though, while it continues to do the exact opposite.
So now BURST will have it's own hall of obituaries which means it will live longer. When BURST will have been proclaimed dead 100 times, it may be as valuable as BTC https://99bitcoins.com/bitcoinobituaries/
Thanks for the info. Bad news for Burst!
BURST is still trading. What reason is there to classify the slump as a "death" rather than just an adjustment?
The simple answer is the chain hasn't corrected itself for two days now. The maximum roll back is 1440 blocks (~4 days) which means many people are mining orphan blocks that there is no money to pay out. This could create double spend attacks against exchanges that are allowing coins to flow in and out. See the current chart of the BlockChain:
Did you look into the dymaxion update? The transaction will be much faster
I was holding on to some burst awhile back. When I saw the price increase I started asking what's happening with burst, couldn't find anything, no development, no news, NOTHING! Just a strong community that backs it up rather blindly. Made some profit but it's not a coin I would buy again.
Let's give this post some Steem Power Love we are really unhappy what happened with the BURST Community Splitting into several directions.
It's only a matter of time before the currency is worth anything.
This coin never had value in my opinion. It's just shit.
Great post my friend.
HDD-Mining = No value? Hmm! 0k!
3urst will be here to stay....
Every successful coin has it's ups/dWns
Ppl said this about bitcoin when it dropped back down to $100 and less back in 2015 i believe@rtdcs
BTC was the original and there will never be a replacement. HDD mining was a new concept, it's evolved in other coins like Storj and SiaCoin. Burst has not evolved or even kept up to date on the code base. It's wasn't until about 90 days ago there was even a team put into place to look at the issues that have been festering for two years. It's like a wounds with a band-aid that is far to small to stop the bleeding.
I beg the differ! I was first drawn into Storj. I seen and invested into Siacoin(SC) but 3URST waS and IS the dominant 0ver HDD-C0ins! 3urst was and is the most creative and is the one making the most moves???
3urst is the easiest to deal with in regards to generating money.
When this is all said in done(past history), you will be back on 3urst no doubt!
Of course you can differ but let me explain what your points lack.
Time will tell ;)
Siacoin is more wasteful given it mines via PoW
When did the blockchain get flooded?
Started about 36 hours ago. Wednesday night for me.
By my math we have about 12 more days of Forks based on the transaction counts which exceeds the maximum chain rollback in blocks. Remerging would mean replacing.
Can you please explain the "will fork the entire entire and it will be unrecoverable because it will exceed the max roll back time." part? As it seems, the blockchains are joining and it can finally be solved. Why not?
Hello, did you think burst just revive the las past days? Or it will die again soon?
At the current rate it can be profitable to start mining?
When I was 14 I bought a $229 dollar 8TB. The NetDiff has gone from 34000TB to 172000TB Roughly right now. I will use this learning experience for the future to not trust everyone. I love crypto and will not give up on it. I hope the best for Poc coins of the future. Someone please create one.
I too thought burst coin was nice to invest and lost some valuable crypto. Why and how did I lose my precious crypto, your article explains it all. Upvoted!!
well written and thought out
I was just about to configure my HD to burst mining. Actually had been planning to for awhile, just never got around to it.
Great article, and valuable information for someone like me who was ready to jump in on bursts declining price.
Much appreciated
If you have a significant investment in HDDs specifically for crypto I strongly recommend you look at StorjX and SiaCoin. Both have drawbacks but both have a brighter future than Burst
Thank you for this post even if it make me sad...
I wonder how many of the small alt coins that will die like this,
Many seems to exist only for P&D ?!
Many, look at the history of Viral Coin, another P&D killed by the same people.
Good job, this is the kind of writing i enjoy reading. You hit on major points and gave details.
NOOO!! say it aint so...
Hi thanks for the info on burst coin is was about to set up and mining rig after watching a few youtube vids i got set to go but had few problems with login in now i this could by why thanks . Upvoted & Resteemed
I can't thank you enough for the ReSteem. I feel that this particular article shows the darker side of a coin that people may be considering. It could change minds and save investment dollars for many.
@fyrstikken I have transferred $15 for three posts 18 hours ago, $5 for each post, as referred in below mentioned snapshot but i haven't received any upvote or refund of amount.
kindly sort out this issue. snapshot of bid is pasted here for your reference plz.

Perhaps that is all we humans really have; our egos.
Is there any way to get refund of this amount?
That depends on how the conversation is stored. I am lead to believe that only the last section of the conversation is provided once the conversation is over.
ok... should i wait for refunding of amount or upvoting?
There! Now you've played Dragon Age: Origins. Tell me what you did.
please guide me about max bid to be transferred to booster?
too much depth in comments can be hacked into an overflow issue in steemit :p
Are you refering to the steemit.com web interface or the steem blockchain?
block chain :p
Doesn't rate limitation counter that attack in Delegate Proof of Stake or am I missing something?
After reading this article, I have placed sell stop orders on my burst coins. Currently I am losing 50% on burst
I have seen many of Adam Guerbuez's Bitsler gambling "tricks" on Youtube, he talked a lot about BURST! Wasn't aware of his bankruptcy and BURST scams! I'm bookmarking this, will read it fully tomorrow. Resteeming too.
I'm glad you are willing to take the time to read all of the information, as you can tell from my responses I am willing to take the time and answer any follow on questions.
thanks for the info
Interesting expose - thanks for the write-up! I'm surprised this isn't happening more often in our little Wild West here.
Another one beats the dust ! and mind that its not the coins is going to collapsed but its assets as well !
Shame really. Could have been nice for new ways to mine.
Man thats too bad, was just starting to look into burst and really liked the idea.
Guerbuez is a cockroach who has perpetrated numerous crypto scams. Don't understand why people keep falling for it.
So the BURST blockchain is okay again.
Bittrex already put the wallet online and Poloniex will do this soon.
Also, almost all other Coins were pumped & dumped like BURST one month ago. Just take a look at Sia, SJCX or even ETH and DOGE. They all have almost the same curves. That pump&dump was nothing BURST specific.
So you better put that "cold dark coffin" away and stop spreading panic.
To some extent, this makes me feel better that I had so many problems just trying to use the client a month ago, that I finally gave up and moved on to other things.
Pathetic piece of FUD, hope you exile yourself from the Burst community.
So sorry to poop on your funeral parade iceburst, but it seems we do have some necromancing skills in the BURST community. ;-)
BURST is alive and kicking! Probably more than ever - now that it has real developers...
That comment is just arrogant! As there wouldn't be much to take over if it wasn't for people like iceBurst.
But your perfectly honoring the preconception against us Germans!-/
I am not a German my little snowflake.
Arrogant it may seem, but it is the truth. IceBurst - as far as I know - defrauded over 1 million in Burst from the developer fund before the PoCC even arrived at the scene. Ask daWallet about his opinion of IceBurst.
And yes, compared to what was there before, Burst has now real development. You may or may not like it, but an inconvenient truth remains exactly that: truth.
BURST was good trade for ONE day, and what a day it was! Our Burst rec made money during the first day of the Great Xmas Crypto-massacre!
Every coin is pump and dump.
Just look at the graphs of all altcoins or even Bitcoin.
Better try to name a coin that is NOT P&D...