Discovering Satoshi: Andreas Antonopoulos


Andreas Antonopoulos is a man who’s name is worth learning how to pronounce and spell.

Like I said in the introduction, Andreas is the one who really helped me wrap my head around the bigger concepts surrounding Bitcoin. I know I’m not alone here either.
To say that he’s helped many thousands of others to understand Bitcoin would not be a hyperbole.

Andreas’s background includes college degrees in Computer Science, Data Communications and Distributed Systems.
He’s got lots of experience advising companies and pretty quickly gained a lot of public speaking experience as well.

Andreas wasn’t a part of the cypherpunks, actually, he got into Bitcoin in 2012.
When I say he “got into Bitcoin”, I mean he really focused his efforts on the new digital currency.
He’d been warning about the risks of the Mt. Gox exchange in 2013, nearly a year before it collapsed.
In 2014 he became a teaching fellow at the first university to offer a Masters degree in Digital Currency.


Andreas has written a number of best selling books covering both the technical side of Bitcoin as well as explaining more of the philosophical side of the top cryptocurrency. If you’ve been wanting to expand your own library to include books about cryptocurrency definitely look into:

  • Mastering Bitcoin

  • The Internet of Money

  • The Internet of Money Volume Two.

Also for you Ethereum fans, he’ll be releasing one called Mastering Ethereum this coming Fall.

If you’re not one for reading, he’s also got a youtube channel that is comprised of footage from his many speaking arrangements that span the globe. Chances are you’ll be able to find pretty much any question you could think to ask about Bitcoin or the crypto space as a whole.

I can’t emphasize enough how well Andreas is able to convey to his audience not only the ins and outs of Bitcoin in a technical sense, but he’s just amazing at helping people relate to the new digital currency in a way that enables people to see the value and the future for it’s existence.
If you ever find yourself worried about the future of Bitcoin or if you’re curious about things like how Lightning Network can improve users experience, I’m going to encourage you to check out his Youtube Channel and his books.

Last year word got out that Andreas had been having trouble with his own financial situation.

It’s easy to assume that a man who’s been working for Bitcoin and getting paid in Bitcoin for several years would obviously be doing very well for himself. But this wasn’t the case for Andreas.
Once the Bitcoin community caught wind of this, a number of other influencers urged the community to help him out.
Keep in mind this was in December 2017, at the very peak of the price of Bitcoin.

Thousands of people made Bitcoin donations and he ended up receiving about 100 BTC.

I personally think of Andreas as “the man with all of the words” and I’m not alone with that sentiment. When he realized how the community had rallied behind him and helped him out,
Andreas said:
“Words are my craft, but tonight I am speechless.”

You can’t achieve that amount of universal respect from the entire Bitcoin community unless you are dedicated to consistently providing an unbiased, educated, and passionate stream of information.
So if that is something you’re interested in learning more about,

Remember the name: Andreas Antonopoulos.

Additional Reading/Sources/Links:

Andreas Antonopoulos Website
Andreas’ Medium Blog
Antonopoulos’ Books on Amazon


Hi Heidi!

Thanks a lot for this amazing series about very interesting people in the crypto space.

I have heard about Andreas Antonopoulos before already but of course not that much insights like you provided to me now. Thanks a lot for that.

Andreas is my blockchain and Bitcoin mentor. I've learned a lot from his books and from his Youtube channel as well. Love his simplicity when it comes to explaining complicated concepts and ideas. Andreas is a must for anyone who wants to lear about blockchain and crypto. So far I haven't met someone who has the picture as clear as him.

Nice post! You got my vote and reesteem!

You can’t achieve that amount of universal respect from the entire Bitcoin community unless you are dedicated to consistently providing an unbiased, educated, and passionate stream of information.

Wow, he must have been so loved

Can't wait for his mastering ethereum, I think I must get it

You can subscribe to his Patreon if you want early access to his work.

Alright how do I do that

We all know the current rift within the bitcoin community, Andreas however never seemed to take sides. That doesn't mean he's not the real "Bitcoin Jesus" in my heart.

Tbh my first experiences of finally understanding the concept of cryptocurrency and being mind blown at its potential was in fact during a series of @aantonop video binging.

He may not be Bitcoin's earliest proponent, but he is definitely the most valuable. Until today I still subscribed to his YouTube channel and anytime his video came up I'd watch it as soon as I can.

He has a Patreon account but I'm not one of his patreons though, how I wish he can take another deeper look at Steem and realise its far superior than Patreon. His steem address is @aantonop by the way. If he ever posts again he's getting 100% vote from me no matter what.

That name is simple to pronounce MA

He has a very good background and story. You said he once help you out when you had problem on bitcoin, probably that's how he help people and that's just reason why they help him back when he have problem. It's good to be helpful and useful to people In case we have difficulties too

Thanks for sharing MA

Definitely some good info to know about the bitcoin market. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for this @heiditravels. AA definitely talks a lot of sense about money, economics, crypto currency and situates it all in a wide context. Curious about crypto? Go to AA's youtube & books etc.

Upvoted! Andreas is the best!
thanks, dear :)

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