Cardano: Pros and Cons

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Cardano saw a lot of hype upon its release last year.

The kind of hype that often accompanies pump and dump schemes, or coins that generally don’t have much substance behind them.

Now that some time has passed and the initial excitement has waned. I think it’s a good time to revisit why people got excited about this one, check out how the development is progressing, and also get a better grasp on what kind of realistic expectations one should have looking forward.

Here are some quick specs on Cardano that I want to be sure to cover, because I’m going to get into some deeper topics with this one, so before I do, here are some cliff notes on what Cardano is all about:

  • Fully open source
  • Code was written from scratch in the Haskell programming language.
  • Founded by Charles Hoskinson and Jeremy Wood (you may remember these guys from Ethereum.)
  • Over 30 developers working on Cardano
  • Building a platform for smart contracts that can handle enterprise level usage
  • Proof of Stake mechanism they developed called OUROBOROS.
  • The wallet, DAEDALUS will one day accommodate staking as well as cross chain interoperability and crypto to fiat transactions.
  • Maximum supply of 45 billion ADA coins.
  • IOHK, or Input Output Hong Kong has been contracted to design, develop and maintain the Cardano platform until the year 2020, what happens after that will be interesting to see.
  • Cardano is designed so transactions and data are on two separate layers.
  • There will be a transaction layer, which they are calling the Cardano Settlement Layer (CSL).
  • There will also be a control, or computational layer, which they are calling the Cardano Control Layer (CCL).
    This separation is what will allow Cardano to implement soft forks and effectively avoid damaging hard forks which can lead the community to split.

A couple months ago, at the end of May they released the first of many test networks. This one is the KEVM Testnet. So now you can play around with any smart contract that runs on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. It’s a variation of the EVM that is written in the language K.

I know that I breezed by a lot of information, much of which has a whole lot of interested aspects and details to learn about.

If you want to learn more about any of these aspects of Cardano, please check out the links I’ve provided down below.


Cardano hit the crypto scene with promises of legitimising cryptocurrency and smart contracts by way of rigid peer review accomplished by expert engineers and researchers.

(You might remember it as being advertised as another “Ethereum Killer” but that’s besides the point).
This type of adherence to academic discipline is practiced by those working to develop the Cardano platform because they see the need to create an ecosystem that is reliable, sustainable and scalable.
They see the best way to accomplish this is by adhering to strict methods of development that requires all code to be thoroughly examined and tested before being released.

Cardano also wants to appeal to those who value privacy by building features that will facilitate private transactions.

They can easily accomplish this because the programming language of Cardano facilitates privacy features like zkSNARKs.
This is particularly interesting because at the same time, this platform also values the ability to work with regulators and sees that as an opportunity to more easily reach the masses.

Talk about concepts that carry some hefty pros and cons. Let’s examine this shall we?

First, let’s address how Cardano is being developed.
The cryptocurrency space is extremely fast-paced. We’ve become accustomed to these insane ICOs that raise millions of dollars in minutes, we’ve seen new Bitcoin forks pop up out of nowhere, we’ve seen cryptocurrencies pump and dump in a matter of days. If you step away from this space for even a week, chances are you will have missed out on some kind of new drama and or invention.

This cryptocurrency space is also full of individuals who are self-taught, independent thinkers, and many of whom reject the world of academia altogether. For them, perhaps this emphasis on academic standards isn’t quite as impressive. Perhaps it’s instead an example of trying to fit the “old world” into this new wave of free information, financial freedom and innovation, and for some, there’s just no room for it.

Here’s what I’m getting at, Cardano is very proud and vocal about its roots in academia, so much so that they’ve made it a cornerstone for how the development will take place for the entire platform.

No doubt, there are benefits to this which include:

  • code that has been created from scratch
  • written in a programming language that can facilitate large scale applications all while maintaining a level of security that is appropriate for securing funds
  • has been thoroughly examined by great minds.

All of this sounds epic, and exactly what a cryptocurrency should strive for in order to achieve a great reputation and also see mass adoption.

But there is one drawback: time.

As I’ve explained earlier, the speed at which this cryptocurrency space has developed is almost dizzying. I’m sure this can be attributed to the competition among the different projects, the expectations of investors, and also just the overall expectations of us as individuals in an age of increasing technological advancements.
Throw in a cryptocurrency that is trying to bring the best of both worlds and something’s gotta give.
If you’re not sure what this is yet for Cardano, it’s easy to find in many of the recent publications. That’s the reminder that Cardano will take time to develop, it is a long-term investment at this point.

For some, this might be a bit scary. Not only will you have to wait and see if the development will actually come to fruition, but also, will the updates and new releases come in time? Will Cardano still be relevant in two years from now?
Will there be a “Cardano Killer” to come on the scene that finds a faster way to follow through?

These are worries that can only be appeased by your own due diligence and research into the team, their philosophy and how they’ve proven themselves thus far.
On the other hand, we’ve seen many crypto projects that have been hastily assembled, that have released improperly tested code, and that have been unable to follow through.

Perhaps it’s time we remember that good things come to those who wait.

I also mentioned earlier that Cardano wants to address two hot topics: privacy and regulations, by address, I mean they want to appeal to both.

How this is possible, I’m not quite sure.
In my opinion it definitely seems these two are quite conflicting since regulations have so far been synonymous with identification. Judging from the past, more often than not, projects tend to get pinched by the interests of governments and sway in their favour rather than prioritising privacy for their users. Maybe Cardano will be different? I sure hope so.

Additional Reading/Sources/Links:

Cardano Homepage
Charles Hoskinson White Board Talk on ADA
How to Be Safe Online
Deep Dive into ADA
Cardano Protocol
Staking Reward Era
Cardano Reddit
Cardano Monetary Policy
Cardano in China
Cardano Faucet


I've learned so much through your videos! Upvoted!!

ICON is similarly set up like cardano and has a few great partnerships!

very true i agree, i just did video on ICON too

Great job on this. I have followed it a while but didn’t know all this. I think it’s also significant it shares a founder with ethereum, it is a Japanese coin in the ways it’s marketed. This might be considered Japanese ethereum like neo icon and waves claim China Korea and Russia.

Nope. Cardano, the same as EOS and somehow Aeternity, are all Third Generation Blockchains. Saying that Cardano is the Japanese version of Ethereum is not fair.

Both NEO, ICON and Waves are Second Generation Blockchains. They try to do the same but in different ways. Third Generation Blockchains will solve many problems that Second Generation ones will not.

I also disagree on the link between Waves and Russia. Waves creators are from that country, but the blockchain itself is not oriented to be the "Ethereum of Russia". I don't know about ICON, but yes, NEO is truly the Ethereum of China.

I think academic background is a negative!!!. besides there are newer consensus technologies. This is yet another me too project with good intentions. If we dig a little deeper it seems everyone is trying to address scalability vs centralization which is a compromise at this point. I stress this again, a product that can find a sweet spot between the two will win the market.

fantastic review Heidi. I am very impressed with your blogging style and as a newbie, i will be closely looking at your posts to see how you pull it all together !

Intresting and great,Just reading about this for the first time and am totally lost, which made me looks like a novice looking for what's is not missing on this post. I'll have to take time to go through you blog to read more and I hope to find something to enlighten me the more.

Cardano has been on my mind for a while. I need to buy some when I get free funds.

I liked your video you may like to have a watch on my account!!!!

Very Very Very Nice Post
Sir Can i get 1 Upvote from you on my post?
Please Sir Please

interesting I'm going to investigate more about cardano in the link that you leave

Great job you did in this post. Just reading about this for the first time and am totally lost, which made me looks like a novice looking for what's is not missing on this post. I'll have to take time to go through you blog to read more and I hope to find something to enlighten me the more.

very good video about Cardano, lots of good points for sure, thanks

Cardano is already creating research that is used by other blockchains I see them cited pretty frequently. They are an asset to the the larger crypto community.

i already invested in Cardano , i believe this coin having great potential but i know this crypto and anything will be happen just hope for the best : ) finger cross

You've hit the nail on the head with the issue of academics and the problem of their approach. I have had many arguments with other investors about this, particularly in Cardano groups!😂

I have had the misfortune of having to work with the academic community on various occasions. I find their methods to be not only slow (as you said), but also deeply flawed.

It turns out that you can have e.g. shockingly poor research methodology, but as long as two or three of your colleagues agree with you, your work can become "peer reviewed" - a subjective term which academics treat as an unassailable holy cow.

I would honestly rather trust a Wikipedia article, viewed and corrected by hundreds of thousands of people than a peer reviewed magazine article. But you'll win no prizes for guessing which one the academics prefer, in fact they shun projects such as Wikipedia (and by extension, possibly most cryptos too), mocking them as easily corruptible and poorly researched, which of course is not the case.

It's only in the very hard-core sciences that the true experts shine. I'd rather trust two or three professional quantum physicists than a Facebook quantum physics group; but in the softer sciences e.g. social sciences, this most certainly does not hold true!

I spent three years at university earning myself a commerce degree which I place very little value on. I could have developed much better skills had I actually been working for those three years. I have vowed never to study again.

Keep update like this.@heiditravels nice job you done

Well written and researched. Cardano my be a sleeping giant. Charles plays the long game and is a force to be reckoned with.

great review thanks Heidi.