Question 2 What is the best way to manage all your coins?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

What is the best way to manage all your coins and your trades?

multiple coins.jpg

As an Australian investor I have found it quite difficult to manage my coins and their value as most of the best charts are in USD and most of the alt coins you are unable to trade on Australian exchanges so far. So I have to buy btc on an Australian market the transfer to another exchange like poloniex and then trade for alt coins in BTC which then adds to the difficulty in tracking the cost and the cost of fees. The easiest way I have found so far is to just use the old pen and paper and do the math and track it that way. Surely there is an easier way to track your portfolio, any ideas?


Personally I use a spreadsheet. I simply made one with an asset column, a cost/profit column, quanity, etc etc.

Using this method i can tell at a glance my average cost/profit per asset and it makes it much easier for me to tell where i need to diversify my portfolio.

You mentioned Poloniex so I'll add it does have an built in analysis page for trades done there..

I have heard of certain mobile apps as well but have not used any myself other than polo trader just for easier access to current prices.

Yep, can't beat the old fasioned way lol... Mine is like so :)


I just slightly altered one I've had for years for other asssets...

Welcome to steemit !

Cheers guys I think I'm on the right track then. Nothing better than paper even if it is a bit old school. The trade analysis on poloniex is a little skewed as you can buy something for BTC then then sell it later when it is worth more fiat for BTC but at the time BTC has gone up and you will get less BTC than you invested showing a loss but if converted to fiat would be a gain. All the mmore reason to be holding the BTC unless buying to specifically buy other alts.

Consider using a portfolio manager like Cointracking Crypocurrency Portfolio Manager

You can set your base currency to AUD and import your trades from all the exchanges.

As of managing 'All' your coins I'm not sure is possible.
But you can check out Exodus, this a great desktop multi-asset wallet.
Currently it supports Aragon, Augur, Bitcoin, Decred, Dash, EOS, Ethereum, Golem, Gnosis and Litecoin.

I use Exodus its a great wallet but still only in USD.

I understand your issue, from where I live the is not trivial to buy also. Currently I use my account to load money on Kraken or Poloniex, which in the case with Kraken amounts to ~8 euro fees.

Yeah exactly there has to be an easier way

I have found blockfolio which is a mobile app that looks pretty good. I might make a post about it.