Hi Everyone
This is my first post on any social media ever
I'm starting this blog for people new to cryptocurrency and I'm going to do it a little different to everyone else. Instead of me telling you my opinion and making predictions and trying to gain respect that way I'm going to do the opposite and ask all the questions that a noob would ask and hopefully get responses with links to some relevant content that I can look at review, try and up vote if they worked.
Stay tuned for my first cryptocurrency question.
Welcome! Usually people will only read your posts if they add value so if you mostly have questions, better ask them in the comment sections of posts related to your question.
I also write about cryptocurrencies every day so feel free to ask questions in any of my most popular articles:
A Small Step for Bitcoin, A Big Step for Cryptocurrency
Top 10 Cryptocurrency PickUp Lines
Most Comprehensive Review You Will Find on Bitquence
Triple the Value of Your Steemit
Im going to stick at my idea and see how it goes. It would be great if you followed me and linked any of your posts that related to my questions.Thanks @blockchainttmft