!REMINDER! GODcoin's ICO & Token Bonus Ends in ONE WEEK!!!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Barely one week remains of GODcoin's momentous ICO! Why should you be left behind when others will prosper? There are seven days, just seven days before a precious window of opportunity closes. This is no randomly timed event, either...

GODcoin Gold On Demand.png

How incredible is God's timing that this ICO is coming to completion even as the Lord's June 10th Jubilee looms days away? Israel, recognized as a holy land by three faiths, was recognized as a nation in 1948, and has been tempered like gold for the past 50 years. This is a special time, but also a severe one, as this and many other signs indicate just how little hope the current economic, social, and government systems offer because the Last Days are very much upon us. See for yourself...

Have a look at these remarkable discoveries made by GODcoin's CEO, Richard Ruff, proving not only that June 10th, 2018 is the Lord's Jubilee, but also who exactly the Lord is. It's one more clear sign that you are in a unique crossroads as you read this. Not just a chance of a lifetime, but a chance of infinitesimal odds, this is the last and only opportunity to have our wealth be counted valuable in the last days...

Take this as your FINAL reminder!

GODcoin's ICO was already extended out until the END OF MAY! Some have taken full advantage of the 40% token bonus that has been offered during this time, however, this golden opportunity will only remain for a short period of time. If you sit on this offer you may be kicking yourself later. Think of every innovation, not only those of blockchain, Bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies but much broader. How wonderful must it feel to be at the top, riding such a wave to a better world AND turning a sustainable profit in doing so?

GODcoin RayEl Coin Heads.png

Early investors have the opportunity to secure their wealth for the future ahead, so the time to invest is now. Wait until after the ICO investment phase, when GODcoin becomes the common currency for wages throughout the world, unfortunately, the opportunity to profit through early investment will no longer be available.

There are many advantages to GODcoin especially since it is one of the few coins that will be backed by gold and silver. Not only does GODcoin give the illuminated path towards the future, but as gold and silver increase, so will the investments being made at this time. GODcoin's amazing ICO offer of investments being met with a 40% token bonus has been extended until May 31st, 2018! Invest now, and as the price of gold will inevitably increase, so will your profit!

View the history leading up to the whitepaper

View the whitepaper

All information provided is available on the official website at https://godcoin.gold

Investments will be met with a 40% token bonus!!!



Great stuff here! Anyone who hasn't taken advantage of this great offer should certainly get it before it's gone!

There's no better time to pick up on this offer!

Kind of a no-brainer as I see it. Progression of public thought process will inevitably lead to a high demand for a stable cryptocurrency.

Amazing offer, just at the right time. Nice one @prime-cleric

People would have to be crazy not to invest right now into this currency. I mean it will replace all others and is ordained by God himself.


Confirmed by the codes, Confirmed by The King!

Invest is a must!

Not much time remains, should people seize this opportunity they will be most grateful toward the results.

Buy now and save some $$