Well, you are right. Your strategy makes sense.
But I am the kind of person who would not keep his money tied for 3-5 years. I can trade on that money and earn a handsome amount for the time being. Another reason is that I don't have a fat Bank account. So, I mostly think Short-term.
So, if you are okay with tying your Capital for a few years then I think there's no harm in investing. Good Luck and Thanks :)
You're right too. I said those things and was able to think about it because maybe we simply have different lifestyle. I am a busy man with multiple business fields.
But, I was thinking about the timing of IOTA. I do not think they are wrong in their timing. Because nowadays we cannot afford to wait. We are in the age of "everything should be FAST" when it comes to tech trends. Whenever you got an idea and not just an idea but GREAT idea - companies are telling you we NEED that. If you have a great product, present that to the customer ASAP!
That's just what we simply are right now. Whoever has the "greatest" takes it all! And maybe it is IOTA, but maybe not. Who knows?
You are right. But the problem is. Everyone is all over Blockchain. A lot of companies from JP Morgan to IBM have already started to invest in Blockchain. And you coming from business background would know that you can't just change your tech overnight. Because it comes with a certain cost. You have to train your stuff, overhaul your infrastructure and it takes years. It took a decade for JP Morgan and all those giants to recognize that actually Blockchain can be a reality.
When I said that IOTA is the future, I didn't say it because there's just cost involved but the technology itself is yet to be tested. Great companies like Bosch, Cisco, Innogy, Microsoft, Canonical/Unbuntu SAP, UBS are looking into the Tangle tech. But it has problems such as security vulnerabilities, transaction confirmation, seed generation, double spend issue, wallet issues, accessibility.
I like the what the Stratis CEO Chris Trew Said;
Which is why I said;
Let IOTA test the Waters.