Cryptov8 aims to change the way we use Crypto. They provide a viable solution to using cryptocurrencies across the entire market. Their technology platform and digital assets will improve the adoption and usage globally. Once authorized in the United Kingdom, they will use bank regulation & security for all of their Crypto banking services.
🔔 Introducing Cryptov8
Cryptov8 will be launching a universal account and universal wallet that manages both FIAT and cryptocurrencies. For the purpose, CRV8 will be utilized to empower Cryptov8 customers and give them access to key assets and products that will benefit them in the crypto market. Further, Cryptov8 will be launching a series of tools, products, incentives and the CRV8 token will give their customers access to those assets.
Let's take a look one by one to some of those proposed assets.
Participation in the cryptocurrency market is not as widespread as it should be. CryptoEduc8 enables customers to start their Crypto journey by providing starter guides, free instructive materials and connecting noobs with industry influencers. | One of the key hindrances to the cryptocurrency market is specialist entry points for FIAT currency. There are only a bunch of exchanges that accept FIAT deposits. CryptoG8 allows you to have a direct integration to some of these exchanges from a your a/c page. |
Cryptov8 will take steps such as Preferential payment fees for transfers, Attractive Forex rates, and Debit card trx settlement to mitigate a portion of those expenses surrounding crypto and encourage the use of crypto. | Cryptov8 will compensate people for their investment in digital currencies by means of Bonus rewards and preferential interest rates for saving account holders. |
CryptoCred8 allows you to earn some extra money from your credit balances by P2P Lending or Blockchain SME Lending. Now you can lend against your crypto holding. | CryptoVault is your trusted custodian. It has the ability to store your cryptocurrencies, documents, agreements, private keys and addresses. |
If you are an organization interested in FinTech, CryptoCollabor8 is for you. You can use the APIs/Apps to integrate, enter a partnership or implement their contactless POS payments using cryptocurrencies. | Cryptocommunic8 is a cognitive learning bot that will be available for you 24/7 inside a customer’s online or mobile banking portal. Consider it your best friend in times of need. |

🔊 Many have tried, many have failed!
There is clear evidence that banking regulators, governments and legislators across the world have begun reacting to what they perceive as fundamental risks facing individual or retail investors. Numerous have already publicly expressed their intentions to apply regulation to elements of the ecosystem. Whilst controlling financial and political institutions seek to impose some authority on the cryptocurrency market, there are many examples of governments, countries and regulators embracing the movement and understanding that the underlying blockchain technology is a vital advancement for financial services and community in general.
Law enforcement departments, in general, are understanding that cryptocurrency is not all about illicit payments, it has a value and it has a legitimate purpose. It's just a matter of spending time explaining it, understanding what their concerns are, making them feel comfortable that we are mitigating those concerns, and that we have the right controls in place - Said Nick Rosenberg, CTO Metropolitan Commercial Bank.
Cryptov8 is poised to take advantage of its unique position and is confident that it will keep up the support of banking regulators. They are working with people who are advising the G20, IMF and ECB on creating guidance and best practices.
✅ ICO Overview
Prior to ICO there will be a whitelisting period (started a day ago), followed by a 2-week Pre-ICO period and then a 2-month ICO period. The price per CRV8 token during the Pre-ICO period will be 0.0002089 ETH and subsequently in the ICO period will rise up to 0.0002315–0.0002646 ETH.

Summary of Whitelisting and Token Sale
There will be a total of 1 Billion tokens, 750 Million of which will be available for public sale. Here's a breakdown of the distribution:
You can buy Cryptov8 tokens with your Ethereum or Bitcoin or any other FIAT currency for the time being. Please know that payment methods other than Ethereum are handled manually.
💰 How to buy CRV8
As mentioned in the 'ICO Overview' section, Cryptov8 is in the early Whitelisting phase meaning that the CRV8 tokens are not available for sale yet. But you can whitelist and get yourself a REFERRAL CODE along with an early access to the Pre-ICO period. Once the Pre-ICO period is live you should be the first one to get notified and given a premium access to the buy portal.
In the meantime you can whitelist yourself and promote your referral code to earn a 5% share from your referrals. Here's how you can whitelist;
Go to Cryptov8 Webpage, click the button, enter your name, email address, expected amount to invest(estimate), Ethereum wallet address, country of origin, check the two boxes, enter the ReCaptcha and hit the Submit button. Now check your email address for the notification. The notification should have a referral code for you along with the confirmation note.

Now you can write a blog, tweet or share your referral code on different medium with your followings and earn yourself some early CRV8 tokens.
🏆 Verdict

This is no longer a secret that the traditional Banking giants intentionally made Bitcoin look vulnerable by passing on reckless comments in the Crypto circles and media giants. Of course it was expected, but they came at a time when the Crypto community was the least equipped for such rash comments.
It's a no-brainer that cryptocurrencies and Blockchain is the tech of the century (so far) and can not be avoided for long even if you are an adversary. You don't have to look too far, take the example of JP Morgan and countless others.
No matter how strongly you advocate for Cryptocurrencies and it's use in general, you still need the banks to enter the market. It may be considered as an undesired route but since cryptocurrencies are not regarded as legal tenders, what options do you have?
This is where Cryptov8 comes into play.
What if you could get Banking on the Blockchain? What if you could lend/borrow on the Blockchain? What if you could buy/sell directly in your desired FIAT-Crypto without buying Bitcoin or any other major currency first. And what if someone were to bridge the gap between Banking and Blockchain for you to increase the mass adoption and merchants services worldwide?
That's exactly what Cryptov8 team intends to take on. We all know the ever expanding massive potential in Cryptobanking industry. The immensely experienced team of Cryptov8 holds the requisite skills to pull off this ambitious project. Each of the team member have at least a 20 year FinTech experience and a proven track record. Don't just take my words for it, go and google yourself.
I guess that's pretty much it. If you would like to know more, read the Whitepaper here or visit any of the following resources for additional help.
WebPage: https://www.cryptov8.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptov8
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptov8
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/6rgDf9c
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cryptov8/
BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4470298.0
:۞:••:۞: Thank you for Reading :۞:••:۞:
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I don't think we nessessarily need banks, I think all we really need is time. The more efficient monetary system will win if that's what the market want's. It just need's time and patience :)
Of course it will all come to that in the end.
Ya that’s it! I see so many people running around panicking about all these problems like “use case” lol “we need to spend our bitcoin” no more hodl!!! It makes me laugh these ppl think that’s going to make difference. It just needs time to scale and humans to adapt. Stability and less volatility will come as the market grows in to the trillions and with that crypto will slowly change from holding as an investment to using it as currency.
It’s as clear as day for the patient minds.
You made a good point. There are no shortcuts. Bitcoin was supposed to be a digital form of cash used for your day-to-day transactions but instead it turned into an investment tool and the 'use' aspect somewhat got left behind. And I think it hurt Bitcoin.
While time and adaptation is important, we also need to have the necessary tools available when the time is right.
People are having a hard time understanding that it’s ok if bitcoin isn’t being used as cash right now, it was always a known fact that it would have go through this speculative phase before it builds up a big enough market cap to stabilize the volatility. Just the natural process it must go through! There is no way around it. If there is money to be made from a limited supply people will hoard it! It’s just a FACT of life. But that’s ok, it doesn’t mean bitcoin is broken and not living up to satoshis vision, that’s the wrong perspective. I am in full support of building these much needed payment tools but people need to stop the use case digital cash vs investment debate. Both are vital for the future of crypto and will coexist together as a natural process.
I think those debates are no longer valid. As Bitcoin will remain an investment tool. There are more faster, cheaper, and scalable blockchains that can fulfill the gap for a digital cash. But I think we are not ready for that. As you mentioned earlier, we need Trillions to bring the risk averse merchants to accept Crypto. The volatility factor is probably the scariest one for them. Tx
The whole point in being in crypto is to NOT use existing banking systems. Banks report (actively or passively) to Governments and spy agencies.
Further, digital information can be and is shared from UK to Europe, USA etc. Forget token privacy laws!
This means more tax of citizens (stealing their money) and
unauthorised use thereof eg making war.
This means surveillance of a persons every transaction......
Of course, most blockchain transactions are public; There are some however, that are more private as in Monero, PIVIX, Verge etc.
Sure give your KYC data to Cryptov8 and the FCA.... but understand the impications......
We need to be able to exchange CASH for crypto without any Government taxation or tracking.
As much as I hate the banks and there agenda I think crypto will have to coexist with them for a long time before they are phased out and we use only decentralized exchanges. I am a big supporter of privacy coins as well and will continue to invest in them :)
We have something in common. I think exactly the same. I even left my Bank job years ago when I found Bitcoin for more or less similar reasons.
I like it
Your points really resonates with me but what are you proposing? I mean how are you going to be able to do this.
The localbitcoin and peer-to-peer solution looks like a viable one by it lacks structure, feasibility and many other problems attached. I believe the general user care less about KYC. That data is already with the governments and institutions, you are just sharing it one more time. I totally understand your points, but I guess we are not yet ready for that.
you rightly said that until and unless we be able to exchange cash for crypto and that too without any government taxation or tracking..the real idea behind using cryptocurrencies is not fulfilled. Moreover, the chances of governments allowing cryptos through banks are almost negligible.
me upvote you and you upvote me please one upvote donate
@cyberblock The monetory system need to be very efficient and surely banks need to incorporate blockchain technology or else they will vanish soon!!!
Hi Friend, Lets Help each other by following and up voting. I have just now done for you. Now its your turn to support me by up voting and following #imrandoit60
It definitely looks like it could do very well. The fact that it will be an actual licensed and regulated bank actually sounds good to me. Not some fly-by-night operation.
I can dig it. Great article and good read! Will look more into this!
My first thoughts too, as above. The licensed and regulated bank aspect brings integrity and trust for adoption in a (still) sceptical mainstream. Been wondering when that would happen. Where I'm from, I know as fact that people have had their bank accounts suspended for mentioning BTC in deposit transactions. The only way into crypto, for me, was to approach someone (I knew) and pay them in fiat.
Cryptov8 held a consumer credit licence before that they relinquished in favour of a full banking licence in the past. The application is already under FCA consideration. The Roadmap goes into more details on this. Tx
what a new invention i would love to participate on... Am very sure it will go a veey long way helping everyone... Thank you @ghayas for this amazing post.
Sure, thank you for paying a visit. Glad you liked it.
This definitely has many cre8ive innovations, but what was mainly important to me was the part about converting to FIAT and the confusion with so much wallets and tokens and waste of time.
The journey from crypto to FIAT is discouraging, from one to another, losing worth as you go.
It feels good to know that a solution is available.
Also, and organized bank would handle the confusions newbies face.
Great stuff!
its a practical and right thing.
I know of so many people who got left behind due to the risk involved in those inter-conversion cost and hectic processes of verification's. The risk of exposure is just too much for a noob to handle.
Cryptov8 plans to get you a one-stop universal wallet, so you don't have to worry anymore.
Since its inception cryctocurrencies have had to battle with the great dominators of the financial world, who have seen in them an enemy, perhaps some day themselves by the own evolution of man,banks and corporations will see opportunity in cryctocurrencies also and there ends the cripto as an opportunity for all , we must educate ourselves and study all about use of the cripto to guarantee that they remain.
Thanks for sharing great material as always
True, however I tend to think that those giants always saw these opportunities but they were deliberately trying to ignore to save their empires. Now that the crypto phenomenon is more common than ever and investors are enjoying great returns for minimal cost to sacrifice, they act like embracing cryptocurrencies.
You are right friend I always try to learn more about it because is very atractive. Thanks a lot
Sorry to state the obvious but wasn't the whole point of cryptocurrency to do without banks? Still looks like a middleman is very much in effect. I do like the idea of going from fiat to desired coin but can they really pull it off? Cause it looks like they will promise ALL fiat but when they launch, ALL becomes £$€ only. What about other countries? If we have to convert to USD first before trading it's pretty much the same thing as buying BTC first.
If they can guarantee all or almost all currencies will be supported then we are looking at a very successful venture.
Middlemen's will always be there. Exchanges are middlemen's too. The problem is not middlemen the problem is the way they go about it.
I think so. My verdict is positive. The rest is for them to prove. But do know that in projects like this that deals with regulatory authorities, there are sometimes unexpected hiccups. But that doesn't count towards team failure.
True, but do remember that there are certain cost involved to those gateways so projects usually run the profitable coins in the beginning and then keeps adding coins. That's a standard procedure. You can't just support all from day 1. Takes time.
Initially, UK will be covered and then will take on the rest of regions.
Good read and thanks for sharing this knowledge. Added to my list to research further. Would this be accessible by someone from outside the UK to open a bank account?
It will be accessible to all. But will start from UK initially. Thanks for paying a visit.
I would love to have a deep conversation on this and related topic. There is much I do not know about the working of the crypto maybe that is why I see so simple solutions. When I build up something where our group has something to offer in contribution than just a theory. I would like to have you in that conversation then, Remember this name. ;)
Thank you appreciate it. I am always around, not much sleep for me lol. It would be a pleasure to participate. Thanks for paying a visit.
It is absolutely right. There is a lot of combat against crypto currencies. The middle man, as they refer to the bank owners, will need to earn still more.
A lot of those earning will be trimmed down cause with Cryptov8 you don't have to buy indirect coins to make the conversion to your desired crypto. If you want to buy STEEM you buy STEEM, you don't have to buy Bitcoin or any other major currency.
Those middlemen's/exchanges makes a lot of money in those inter-indirect-conversions.
That will make it very easy for all users! Fascinating!
I need one to educate and to teach me about this topic, crypto is digital coin that would be famous in nearly age.
I hope that time, i have already deep information and knowledge about it.
Would you someone be my pathner?
Thanks you my beloved brother
I don't know what sort of partner are you looking for and the skills you require. But anything about Crypto and I am in, :)
Thanks for welcoming.
It's necessary to banks use blockchain.for better security and fast transaction and less charges.
If they don't use, they will be out of equation. One needs to go with the latest trend in town.
not only bank I think the Whole Govt administration should be brought to it
hahaha I would love that. That's like radical transparency :)
Cryptocurrency is life and i will love to be part of the community
Thanks. Join their Discord here: https://discordapp.com/invite/6rgDf9c
Very true I agree, banking sector should adopt blockchain. If bank adopt block chain technology it will lower the expenses of the banks. Payment can be sent from one sector to another at very less transaction fees.
All the headache will be less for banks as they have to maintain files for each account, while adopting blockchain technology it will help banks to keep records hassle free. @ghayas
Faster, Cheaper, and Transparent...
Very true. The more the faster will be reliability. The more the cheaper will be happy customers. The more the transparent will be trust. @ghayas
what a new invention i would love to participate on... Am very sure it will go a veey long way helping everyone... Thank you @ghayas for this amazing post.
Thank you for paying visit. You can join their Discord here: https://discordapp.com/invite/6rgDf9c
Blockchain technology will play big role in smooth working and transparency in banking system especially when bank sanction credit to big borrowers.
Crypto's are better than traditional systems, current banking systems are laging in many things while crypto banks make payments easier and safe. One of my friend got stuck at Iran as no international card works there so Bitcoin saved him.
Exactly. That's a very good example. This is why I love decentralization.
@ghayas UK bank has already approved the crypto actually they are rebuilding it by using blockchain platform
Actually the big news is from south korea its already want their 200 Mln to invest in the crypto field and want to test the field where the would play their match and by doing this it would become a great player in crypto field
South Korea has invested Billions in Crypto so 200 Million is not that much to ask. They are undoubtedly one of the top 5 leaders in Crypto space.
what do you think????@ghayas This is the new Impressive way of banking
You made a good point. There are no shortcuts
I am confused because I am get my loose in many coin .
Kindly guide me .I am waiting your reply .@ghayas sir ,can you believe this currency really good or fake .
I have already given my verdict. What else do you need? There are no guarantees... But the project is solid with good team backing.
Great web I earned much more from here thanks .....
Informative thank you for sharing a nice article .
@ghayas yes mr. so many people joined crypto market without any knowledge and when market going down they panic and shell bitcoins.their is no shourtcut to make money. lot's of patience and time for make big amount money in crypto market.
Exactly! Spot on.
very nice Information for me becouse I am new in Crypro...have a good day
Thanks for this wonderful post. But I don't think bank and crypto can coexist together, and that is for very same reason their interests, bitcoin was invented for involving only two parties payer and payee, while banking was to involve a third party in every transaction which make their earning out of this. My thoughts are clear about this, as banks are controlled by corporates and countrie's politicians and they don't have any interest other then earning money.In my opinion it will only take time where these cryptocurrency will replace banks. What do you think?
I kinda of agree with you. But please do know that till date there's no true peer-to-peer currency. You need the middlemens to process your transactions be it in the shape of Exchanges/Banks/Miners/Block Producers. If either of them stops working for you, your blockchain may turn useless.
Crypto and Banks can definitely co-exist and that will be the likely scenario in the near future.
I agree, but do you think banks are going to do so, and certainly as there is a demand of peer to peer currency where no middle agency is involved and that is what Nakamoto has suggested in his theory for proposing Bitcoin. In current period it would look impossible to have such system, but believe me its all about acceptance in people which is already happening.
Only time can tell. Whatever that contradicts with the governments is destined to fail for the time being,.
Exactly. Its all about intentions.
our crypto banking ban by the Reserve Bank of India
@ghayas i think Bitcoin Exchanges will be the alternating of Banks and our wallet can replace the ATM machine in future... i know it will take up to 10-15 years from here but i'm sure about replacement of Banks and ATM machines by our Crypto Exchanges and Wallets
Actually ATM machines are a great idea but they require massive infrastructure. Also do know Exchanges are run on top of the Banking structures and they do need them to process payments. It's a good idea to have a Bank that does all that for you under one roof.
I hate Banks for the sole reason that they rip off their customers and no one gets to know about and in some cases we happily let them do so. I Banking on the blockchain should bring a little transparency to their shady businesses. I think this is a very good idea to say the least.
Exactly what Cryptov8 aims to change.
On paper, sounds like a very nice idea. But I am not too sure if it's doable or not. The regulatory procedures might prove a steep mountain to cross. Also, the cost associated with that could go potential very high.
It sounds even better on ground. Having thoroughly reviewed the team, I have no doubts whatsoever that they have the requisite skills to pull off this but of course no one knows the future.
Nice post, thank you for the information!
I think its highly expected to Achieve Financial Freedom for whole mankind ...@ghayas Do you think its really possible that someday Blockchain technology will be able to take over the responsibility of banking sectors and the financial future of mankind will get some real value
I think we are already in that phase. We are currently in the process of liberation from the shackles of traditional methods of financing. But of course it's not easy. You saw what they did to Bitcoin.
Basically his post can be summarized with explaining that market cap isn't actually the total amount invested, but simply the last price paid times the outstanding supply. He also explains the basics of the bid-ask spread (its not as simple as he describes because there are market makers, spread traders, bots, stop-limit orders on resistence levels...etc) and that it is primarily emotion ("public opinion") that drives price changes, which is supposedly driven by the media. Now "they" are manipulating you again. Those who "who control the media" are trying to trick you.
OP mentions in another post in this thread that he got into crypto recently and is down 50% from his ATH, he's a newbie who feels he "missed out on the ground floor", so it makes sense he would concoct a theory of media collusion to bring the little guy down. Its hard to accept you bought in at a wildly overvalued price point.
The problem I have with blaming this on media manipulation is that most of us encouraged the media's hype of Bitcoin's price increase when it was going up, nobody was against the media encouraging newbies to go investing emotionally based on FOMO. We loved celebrating that the media was "bringing in normies" who would increase the value of our holdings by sending those market orders on Coinbase.
value will definitely move as south korea wanted to invest by putting its 200mln dollars into cryptos
I do agree with you. Recently Zebpay in India issued a notification. There is a panicky state of situation prevails here.
Yeah that kinda of suck. Zebpay is India's leading payment portal for Crypto.
@ghayas cryptov8 is working on the same platform as Ripple ??
Not really. It's a whole new concept. Cryptov8 has nothing to do with Ripple.
Also i think that people are putting everything in blockchain. but my question would be is it necessary to put everything you think in blockchain. rather we should only put things in block chain which can make revolution.I agree with @cyberblock , we just need time and patience to make our existing system more effcient.
What you think guys?
Blockchain technology continues to improve so many aspects of our everyday life. Another platform with a lot of potentials is Seele. I wrote a piece on Seele's amazing Blockchain 4.0 here https://steemit.com/airhawk-project/@foley/seele-blockchain4-0-vs-existing-blockchain-technology an upvote from you would be nice. Thank you
#ghayas I think the web will be one of the real powers for decreasing the part of government. The one thing that is missing however that will before long be created, is a solid e-money.
#ghayas Cryptography has produced number hypothesis, mathematical geometry over limited fields, variable based math, combinatorics and PCs.
ghayas (63) you think it can achieve their goals??
Well if banks can get into Crypto Currency then its good for this market.However we need institutional also in this market and at the same time we need Decentralized platform for traders and investors.I am sure Cryptov8 will add value to this new market.
Yeah definitely we need more institutions to embrace Crypto to go mainstream.
Apart from institutions we need people to believe in this and trust this
This just adds another layer to a crypto transaction.
what is the expected price of CRV8 after completion of ICO? how much potential i can get benefited from this token?
let me know..@ghayas
No one knows. However the prices during ICO and Pre-ICO is listed in above table.
@ghayas john macfee predicted that by the end 2020 half world will safe using bitcoin what your thought about it
@ghayas, Blockchain is the future, I am interested to be a part of this project.
Welcome aboard. Join the project by using any of the above links.
Es sorprendente observar como la tecnología abarca cada día a toda la estructura social del mundo moderno, tanto así que el ámbito económico no escapa de ello. Es así que las criptomonedas han aparecido para adueñarse del campo financiero, desplazando sin piedad al antiguo régimen de las monedas físicas. Lo interesante de todo esto es que este nuevo orden monetario es de dominio público y no tanto empresarial, usando para la tecnología informática, es bajo este esquema que ésta y muchos otros sitios web han servido de "Cyber Bancos" para la mayoría de los usuarios que día a día operan a dicho nivel.
Dear Sir@ghayas bitcoin is the future mate . People claiming bitcoin being a bubble will soon rush into bitcoin once the price of btc shoots up . Am i right ?
I am not sure if it's the future or not. But It certainly stays one of the best investment tool. And will have it's glory restored back soon.
@ghayas very informative blog, Banking system need to be adopted to blockchain technologies for their survival!!!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by. Appreciate it. :)
@ghayas No one will bring banks we should need to take crypto to the banks and corporations...but stop why we need that...I think there is no need of banking crypto itself are banks and will replace the centralization
I am afraid it doesn't work like that. We live under governments and they need verifiable figures. May be Banking is not a solution but it is right now.