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RE: Bringing Fashion and Crypto Together in "Kryptoez" Style

Should I do fashion designing and fashion styling together? If yes, how will it help me in my future?

First question - Should you?

You can but do you really want to? Designing and Styling are not even in the same category. While you need to be aware of Fashion Communication aspects for being a great stylist, you need to be thorough with your Garment knowledge & obviously, CADs for being a great designer. It will be quite a task studying both things together. For pretty obvious reasons, the similarity would be that you need to be very, very creative for either of the profiles but FD, my friend, is not the side with the greener grass.

Second question - How will IT help you?

By IT, I am assuming you are referring to pursuing both courses. If yes, it will greatly help you because you will not be limited to only one profile. The more you know, the better you will be paid and the better doors you open for yourselves. Styling + Design could be a very powerful combo if utilized that way.

Most of the companies like Amazon, Any Designer, International Fashion houses and magazines, would love to have you on board. And believe me when I say, most of the people I know, are already working for such people.


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Fashion Styling is a subset of fashion design. If you do fashion design from a good institution like NIFT or WUD, you’ll automatically learn how to do styling. Styling is an important parameter in presenting your work.

Let make this question a little less difficult to understand.

If I say I want to learn English language and English grammar as well, it is inappropriate because English grammar is a part of/Sub-category English Language, alike Fashion styling is a sub-category of Fashion Designing.

So basically if you are admitting for Fashion designing course, by default you will learn Fashion styling but just the basic structure.

If you are looking to go deeper in Styling you can choose specialization course for Fashion Styling.

How will it help you?

Stylist perform the following tasks

Select clothing (entire look) for celebrities/clients for any public appearance.
Select looks to appear in fashion magazines/media.
Source fashion items and props for clients.
Advice hair and makeup stylist for the look.
Communicate with the photographers regarding the outlook.
Personal shopping involves selecting clothes for a client.
For all these to perform one should own basic Fashion designing knowledge.

If you want to pursue only Fashion Designing then you just need to design clothes, thats it.

This is more about how you choose you’re career then how this two subjects helps in future.