Let's be honest here TR...what you are "selling" is NOT a coin but a mere token which you "claim" is worth $0.05 and will double to $0.10 within a matter of weeks?? Per your own website link to EtherDelta, if I held and was able to sell 1,250,000 DIYTube tokens, they would be worth a whole 0.001 Etherium...now considering Etherium is valued at $378.00/coin...that's what...oh! $0.37...so now your purported "value" for the DIYTube token is $.0.05 times 1,250,000...one would invest $62,500 for a return of just $0.37!! And if I wait until your puported doubling of this infamous DIYTube token to $0.10, well, the results would be as dismal. Oh, and this does not include the processing fees.
TR, you claim there will only be 249,000,000 DIYT ever minted...okay, so what? How does this "exclusivity" ensure an established value at issuance and gains thereafter? With 10k+ coins/tokens out there, what makes yours suddenly so special??
Folks, do NOT be suckered in by this...TR will accept payment ONLY in immediately transferrable coinage (USD/Bitcoin/Etherium/etc...) for your purchases...but will ONLY pay out in worthless DIYTube tokens...this is how the crypto scammers operate their ripoff/pyramid schemes...DO NOT be fooled!!! Take a quick look at BitConnect and how the lawsuits there are fairing.