South Korean Lesson - Democratically elected governments will find it hard to completely Ban Crypto Economy

Alienating and Infuriating people by Depriving them of an Oppportunity for Financial Prosperity, can be Extremely harmful for Electoral Prospects for any political party, anywhere.


In my previous article titled 'South Korean cryptocurrency compromise- No ban but no Anonymous Trading' ; the very first line I wrote was..

.. ."Decentralized power has won this round, Cheers!"

The S.K. govt. was testing the political water by publicly speculating about banning crypto trading and crypto economy when the Finance minister and the Justice minister started talking about a 'non existent' bill to ban crypto trading.

This was followed by a backlash from the people with a public petition to remove the two ministers gathering more than 200,0000 signatures all over the country. In a country like south Korea, this no. is significant and can swing future Elections in favor of the opposition party.

Then the govt. beat a hasty retreat and announced that there was no formal plan for a complete ban on crypto trading and they were only talking about a ban on Anonymous trading(for details please read my previous article)

This is a prime example of the 'Decentralized power of the masses Defeating an authoritative measure of a govt.' and a lesson that All elected governments around the world must learn... that..

Elected governments are Empowered by the People and Not the other way round