The last few days have been incredibly exciting. The market corrections have allowed new opportunities to get into cryptocurrency. If you’ve been on the fence for a while, wondering when is a good time to get in then you needn’t wait any further. Bitcoin dropped below $10,000 after a long time.
To many new users this would’ve come as a shock but if you think of the crashes in the past year then you will remember that when BTC first crossed $3000-$3100 it dropped around 50% to $1500 price level. Now we’ve witnessed similar levels of correction so this is nothing new really!

However the difference between then and now is an increasingly alarming number of government crackdowns in this space-which i’m concerned about. However, it’s quite likely that the market will adjust itself to these changes and the bullish trend is likely to resume once again as cryptocurrencies gain attention of the masses.
My portfolio like that of most investors has danced around a lot in the last 2 weeks. From an insane pump to a massive dump. I’ve readjusted my tokens holdings along the way to ensure greater profitability and sustainability when the markets turn around.
My Steem holdings have seen a massive drop in value but it’s quite likely that it will retrace back to $6 and higher in the days to come if Bitcoin resumes it’s pump.
How is your portfolio doing and how are you bracing this severe market correction? If you have an interesting screenshot of your portfolio please feel free to share. I generally upvote interesting comments in all my blogs.

Brace the lows! Learn to stomach the dips after you enjoy those insane market pumps. That's the only way to sustain yourself over the long haul in the world of cryptocurrency investing and trading. Try not to lose your sleep over market corrections ok?
Market corrections are some of the best times to enter the market. You can get tokens of many good projects in this space at literally discounted prices. Steem dropped below $3 in value and I hope you were able to pick up some additional tokens.
I’ve been dumping SBDs for Steem and BTC in hopes that either one or both will rise up and I hope to continue buying into Steem through the rest of this year. I hope all my readers have a good year of investing in 2018!
If you like my work kindly resteem it to your friends. You may also continue reading my recent posts which might interest you:
- Steemit.Chat Contest #13 + Contest #12 Winners Announcement!
- 4 Tips For Steemit Account Recovery & Wallet Security!
- Let's Talk—Why Are You Not Buying and Powering Up Steem?
Lol! It's crazy, my Blockfolio also looks like a rollercoster hahaha
Anyone who didn't buy Steem when it went under $3 is going to have big regrets as 2018 progresses.
Youtube and the major social media networks are ramping up their policing, censorship and demonetization efforts, so it's only a matter of time before all these "social media refuges" make their way to Steemit:
I am just waiting for the steem to be over 6$ and I will be converting them to USD for the purchase of my new MacBook. I hope soon that time will come.
mine also the same..... crazy rollercoster portfolio :)
As long as you weren't holding Bitconnect, everything should be all good :D
I like to dance with my portfolio!
Did you take a photo of my portfolio? Lol mine looks exactly like that too.
Top Cryptocurrencies Pending Price Target and their due dates
Take it easy on the spamming bro.
Crazy times I must say...I'm a little cautious right now but did a prediction on Augur, looking pretty good:
government is always a problem
My portfolio looks very similar i'm licking a few wounds right now lol
We have experienced the similar situation my steem portfolio is also dancing. It has dropped from the peak of $10k to almost $5 but I’m still happy with the profits, and I didn’t sell anything during the correction. I’m now waiting for steem to go back to $6 again
Steem on good people great times ahead
Dancing sounds about right.
just hodl
HODL what you have and buy more only after crashes is my strategy!
I lost half of the money invested in Tron, and thanks to pumping I recovered every single penny lost :), now safely invested in XLM and EOS. HODL
Nice choices I got tron at .03 so I was able to sell for profits and get my steem right before all this started. And EOS and XLM are great choices im hodl those plus steem cardano neo and doge. I have like 5 diff alts also but im waiting for nice gains before I sell those and buy more of the ones I just mentioned.
Very nice... i upvoted u ... perhaps someone can do it here to:
Nice @firepower.
I like this posting.
hopefully you add success yes.
Heh, this looks familiar!
Thanks for the information I will buy bitcoin at the right price
Now Bitcoin is booming very fast I'm very excited
yesterday was so worst but today is awesome
Thanks for your portfolio @firepower.
Todos los portafolios bailan a primeros de año...
Just wait until 2019 when this looks like a flat line in comparison.
also like your good work! thanks for sharing!best of luck.....!
The thing is when your portfolio is say $10k a 50% drop brings it back to 5k, which though not a good thing, still can survive but say when your at $1M and a 50% down brings it to $500k, that's half a million dollar lost! Yeah, there is money to be made too, so yea.. and btw could see another red day before Chinese New Year too i guess.
good work. keep it up ♥ I support you
its a great post..... i am excited and impressed to see your post..... i waiting for your next post....i wish for your best of luck brother
There is going to be a lot of bumps along the road for 2018
I feel frustrated because I had completed my shopping before the sale period started. I had so many plans of buying the dip, but market started picking up and I lost focus. Big regrets.
The Cryptocurrency "Crash" was covered in the main stream media in the UK, strange how they only cover the falls and not the highs??
Reading the comments in the article, its sadly not surprising to see how many people still think that the whole system is some sort of elaborate ponzi scheme or scam. I suppose we have to expect that with this being such a new space, many people still have a huge knowledge gap.
I think all seasoned investors in this space saw this drop as a perfect occasion to buy, and just waited for the bottom. In all honestly I was not expecting such a quick turnaround, but here we are already.
Good likes
My brother has been buying bitcoin for many years now, since its inception pretty much, for years he has been sending me messages whenever bitcoin hit a new high. And I kept telling him, don't tell me about that, I want to know when it shits the bed. So he sent me a message two days ago: "buy the dips"
Nice and informative
Keep it up
overall not bad
Please check my posting @sohailomi and upvote if liked
up and down @firepower
I think bitcoin is just getting warmed up....
Bottom line: with all investing strategies, never invest for the short term if it will adversely affect you.
The goal should be investing for the long term which is what I'm gonna be doing all through the year. It's time to heap up crypto like dust.
Good Strategy indeed!
Interesting idea.
The portability will allow this group to go where the energy costs are lowest and also to the jurisdictions that are most friendly to its business.
I believe governments will increasingly see cryptocurrencies as a threat and will try to crack down on them.
I'm already reading reports that Chinese miners are moving to Canada.
(I don't think that governments will be successful in banning cryptocurrencies, but they will try nonetheless
its been a scary ride for less experienced people like me. :)
That's nice anaylsis @firepower, your achievements are awsome.
Which app are you using?
its very helpful post for me. hope that everybody learn many think from thanks for sharing....great job
If I hadn't heard of Steemit I might never have gotten into cryptocurrency. I'm so glad I found this gift that keeps giving..
I finally got me some bitcoin tokens, tron, bitshare, ethereum and ripple..
Looking at the chats towards the end of 2017 I felt like btc has gone way beyond my reach. Then this January miracle happened.
Hey this looks similar to mine. I think all of the markets are fluctuating this way at the moment. Keep holding and trading the trends lol
Bro, we are just in almost the same size of shoe. I have been an investor on bitcoin for 2years now and i saw how interesting i enjoyed its increase as at last year but with the current landslide in value and worth alot are trading their bitcoin at cheap rate immediately it got a slight improvement because of fear of future. And yeah when i stock my paxful wallet,bitcoin dropped. But am optimistic about the change due to your own point of view and chart pic. And i hope we investors that had faith in its growth will benefit because i know when it bounce back it will be sky rocketing and getting bitcoin will be like diamond and i can't wait for that moment ..thanks for sharing your view
My plan for 2018: sell my house and use the profits to invest in bitconnect. I think ive fnaly figured this crypto game out!!
My portfolio is not doing very well these days, but I use these opportunities to start accumulating size in my favorite projects. I am still not a buyer though, I am not adding new positions, because I am a bit concerned about the political situation.
I will be a buyer after the 26th of January. The reason is WEF on 23-26th. You can check my article on the matter HERE
My core holdings are doing great in the long-term !
I'm most worried that if the public perception of unregulated crypto is damaged enough by the economic fallout from things like allowing tether to continue to operate unchecked, or exchanges either running off with the money or ripping off customers left and right, or allowing insider trading and wash trading, or allowing a continuous stream of crap-coins or idiot-icos to hit the market and suck in investor funds on vaporware that it will be very easy to turn the masses away from the decent projects in the space and inwards towards their own government-issued ledger-backed currencies.
And all your portfolios are going to look very similar because money inflows and outflows into and out of the crypto space result in tightly correlated moves between the coins.
You said "I’ve been dumping SBDs for Steem and BTC in hopes that either one or both will rise up",that is exactly what I'm doing I hope things work out perfectly in the future, but at thesame time I'm scared.
I believed as institutional investors and regulators enter the space it will be more difficult to make these large profits. They will remove the volatility from the market.
i'm very impress after reading this, you have remind us of some great instances in the past history of bitcoin, good stats plus its the best time to buy in to crypto, this was worth the read thanks again