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RE: The battle for the name "Bitcoin" escalates / IOTA joins MOBI; Start of IOTA Ecosystem

Bcash, as I prefer to call it, is a fork away from Bitcoin. When the fork happened, it had less market cap than Bitcoin, less hash power than Bitcoin, much fewer transactions per day than Bitcoin, and much, much fewer nodes than Bitcoin. So it had to rely on so-called 'emergency difficulty adjustment' to survive.
No one in their right mind, if I may say so, would consider this forked blockchain to be 'the Bitcoin'. That is a blatant lie, as much as those tyrants and dictators who love to cast themselves as 'the protector of citizen' and their government as 'democratic'.


Exactly right.

Very Wrong Ver has a history of stepping over the bounds of law. He was quoted in a interview with CNBC "Fast Money" as endorsing Insider Trading.

This isn't new for him -- Very Wrong Ver is used to pushing the boundaries of legal behavior all in pursuit of his personal aims. He is an ex-convict, after all. And as statistics will show, most ex-cons have a relapse rate after some time in the "outside".

It looks as if he's going to get his chance to be in a private cell again.

...and one of the BIG ELEPHANTS in the room: The fact that all those 'webportals' promoting / claiming Bitcoin cash is the real deal are all dot COM not dot IO or dot INFO or dot org but rather clearly commercial (com) and not decentralized but rather controlled by one person. As the website /domain owners they (people like VER) can say whatever the hell they want - but saying it doesn't make it true. Large Chinese concerns make a huge portion of the equipment for Blockchain mining and they sell their equipment ONLY for Bitcoin Cash and thus are promoting Bitcoin cash. If one corporation can control the mining of Bitcoin Cash then they may 'Centralize' Bitcoin cash in a way that is rather hidden and behind the scenes. There is a lot of pressure and influence behind people like Ver to PUSH Bitcoin cash and thus also push it away from being a true decentralized medium of exchange into a more controlled or manipulated one. Heck, Roger Ver was even actually paying miners fees out of his own personal money - above and beyond transaction fees right? (In the beginning) What is wrong with that picture?!
Not that there aren't decentralization issues with all the cryptos but at least the real Bitcoin is actively working hard in the spirit of transparency and decentralization while Ver and the others are clearly NOT but rather obfuscating very important facts.

He was quoted in a interview with CNBC "Fast Money" as endorsing Insider Trading.

Insider trading qua insider trading is in fact ethically speaking a non-crime. It is not immoral to act on information that others don't have access to when it benefits you financially.

What might be immoral on the other hand is doing it in particular ways under certain circumstances, provoking some of these circumstances, and especially if it violates contractual obligations.