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RE: Quantum Computers, A Threat To Crytocurrency?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

We still have time but one day quantum computers may make the current algorithm used by bitcoin obsolete. My hope is that when this becomes a real possibility the devs will update the crypto algorithm to something quantum resistant.


Do you really believe such upgrade is possible? I would rather go with a currency built from scratch to be such resistant.

I think it would be difficult as it would require a consensus from all parties involved but possible. I think we would face a situation similar to the scaling debate with Segwit. In the end people would agree on a change if doing nothing means the death of bitcoin.

That is if doing something can actually save the cryptographic based digital currency at that time.

it is good to see qrl innovating this now. btc and eth will evolve just like every other technology will when quantum computing is common enough.