NORTONCHAIN TECHNOLOGY : Taking over from BITCOIN BLOCKCHAIN. Secure and free transactions.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


(The smart path to Decentralization)

Over the years, the blockchain technology has had major breakthroughs, though most attention is being recorded from 2016 till date from different governments and individuals. Bitcoin blockchain has been the saving grace for the society from the existing system. Through the long years, improvements and advancements have been seen in the blockchain world at large.

The bitcoins blockchain needs miners to make confirm every transaction made and as they burn up resources just to get this done, users therefore have to pay them. This is why there is transaction charge on every single transaction you make on the blockchain. Further more, it takes time for the transactions to get confirmed and so its a slow system. Imagine if u had to make payment in a hurry to someone that doesn't understand how the system wrks, thats transactions are irreversible and will always deliver. You would have to face the person's constant disturbance until he gets notified of delivery. Now that's not the purpose blockchain was developed.

Further more, these charges often times gets so high depending on the merchant and as such, making micro payments are not even considered. Currently, u cannot make transfers of bitcointalk worth $3 from an exchange. Because the charge would be about $4. Thats not reasonable at all.

This seriously hinders mincro payments, I cannot pay for a pen I bought because I will have to pay extra if I must use bitcoin for payment.

So with this in mind, to rid this, NORTONCHAIN TECHNOLOGY is the solution.


NORTONCHAIN TECHNOLOGY is a peer to peer distributed ledger. It was conceived from the short comings of the existing bitcoin blockchain. Nortonchain is one made far better than bitcoins blockchain as it has some major features of the DAG system in it as well.

We adopted the bitcoins blockchain system because its for a fact that what has been existing for years has more chances of doing better and surviving if they keep improving as compared to that which is just starting.

Since there are millions of transactions on the bitcoins blockchain, it is therefore impossible to hack into it as one would need to hack all the nodes in the world to do that. So this is some serious security. It has tasted the test of time and has survive.

This we have adopted, NORTONCHAIN has got its AI powered nodes that makes countless number of transactions every second across the world so to have this high level of security.

DAG is a method of confirming transactions, peer to peer without the need for miners.

With this, transactions can now be made completely free, as the AI powered procedure in transactions makes users confirm each others transactions in tiny bits that doesn't cost them anything.

This therefore gives the opportunity or say room for NORTONCHAIN to breath real good. As all transactions on NORTONCHAIN are completely free.

NORTONCHAIN has combined both powerful technology to help have a super technology.

NORTONCHAIN doesn't just stop at solving the many issues with the existing technology.

NORTONCHAIN has its own centralized exchange where users can make trades as we are to give them the room to trade almost at zero fee and complete zero when moved to Norton Decentralized Exchange.


NORTON EXCHANGE is really one out of the many, with security as its top priority. Users are now able to trade safely, log in and log out safely without the fear of getting hacked as there is a facial recognition system powered by AI on the exchange to help keep user accounts secure from hackers and of course to keep the login simple and safe.

NORTONCHAIN has plans for its own debit card. With the roadmap in view, Norton card will be made available for direct purchases of items with NRT Tokens and as payment method.

NORTONCHAIN is currently giving out free tokens in form of airdrops/selfdrops and bounties.

Detailed information on this is given below


Nortonchain Project 250 Million Norton Token Airdrops

You get 5500 Airdrops Tokens


You get 500 Tokens per Referral

Official Websites


Social Media

Referral ID

In addition to that, listings have already been processed by some exchanges to ensure NRT gets listed on due dates. NRT listing is already completed on the following exchanges: Ecex Exchange, Foundico Exchange and almost complete on MECATOX.

Voting is currently going on for NRT to get listed by MECATOX, below is the complete detail on the voting procedures.


5000 NRT for 0.01ETH
10000 NRT for 0.02ETH
27500 NRT for 0.05ETH
55000 NRT for 0.1ETH
110000 NRT for 0.2ETH
275000 NRT for 0.5ETH
550000 NRT for 1ETH
1155000 NRT for 2ETH
2310000 NRT for 4ETH
2887500 NRT for 5ETH
6352500 NRT for 10ETH

Send to this Address:


Airdrop Form

Bounty Form

Vote NRT on Mercatox

kindly follow the link to get to the voting form.

More to this, we are looking to get listed on NextExchange, and other top exchanges. so the community is doing a poll vote on which exchange to have NRT listed on next.

Norton Team is devoted to following a course till completion. The road map has been our guide and will remain so. Here is the long dream for NORTONCHAIN TECHNOLOGY

Q3 2017 (July-Sept)
Nortonchain Idea
Team Development

Q4 2017 (Oct - Dec)
Website Development
Annual Event

Q1 2018 (Jan - March)
Meeting With Partners
Website Review for Upgrade

Q2 2018 (April - June)
First Airdrop and self drop
Website Upgrade
Voting for listing on External Exchange

Q3 2018 (July- September)
Norton Bot
Voting for listing on more External Exchange
Private Sales
Public Sales
Conference With Developers

Q4 2018 (Oct- Dec)
Last Rounds of Public Sales
Norton Exchange
Web Wallet Development
Second Airdrop
Implementation of AI modules on Norton Exchange
Annual Event

Q1 2019 (Jan - March)
Listing Of Third Party ICO’s
NORTONCHAIN (alpha version)

Q2 2019 (April - June)
Debit Card Release
Listing on more External Exchange

Q3 2019 (July - September)
NORTONCHAIN (beta version)
Norton Explorer

Q4 2019 (Oct - Dec)
NORTONCHAIN (Operational)
Norton Decentralized Exchange
Android, iOS, and Desktop Wallet Development
Annual Event.
More to come!!.


NORTONCHAIN project gets 7.0 on FoundICO Ratings.

Constantly, the team behind this project is actively making positive moves to get this whale moving. Following the road map is their out most priority and making sure this big revolution comes true as it is already headed for huge success.

Again they make another good move by getting rated on different ICO Ratings platforms and are doing so much more to be sure all is achieved.

The team behind this project is quite a serious one and hardworking from all indication.

However, they are yet to be fully disclosed to the public. Though they state in the social communities that the new UI for the website is coming in about 72hours with all information about the team.

That not withstanding, they also state that experts and experienced persons who may wish to join the development team of this project as advisors are very much welcome. All they have to do is contact the admin through:

Kindly send a message to the team and you are already on your way to the bull run with this huge thing.

All images gotten from here



@endee you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!