Next step is to transfer your mined coins to :
- Poloniex
- Kraken
- Hitbtc (easiest for beginners)
- ...
(Choose one to start with)
and start trading them with profit.
Second thing is to keep mining for another week, if you're still into it make your own rig,
1500 = way too much!
Start with 1 card (I use AMD rx480 and rx580, be sure to get 8gb cards, GTX 1070 also has a good ROI).
Next thing: start reading cryptonews, and don't get hyped by someone else.
Join a thrustworthy group (facebook, Reddit,...) of likeminded and listen, learn.
Last tip: when trading, please don't trade with emotion, sometimes it's good to HoDL! (Search Google for the HODL story)
Good luck!
Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it! Recently I have been focusing on BCN and XMR. XMR for the value coin. BCN because the rewards are great. Have earned over 300 tokens of BCN already.
Also what wallet should I be using or is there a trading wallet on poloniex(etc.) to be used for making exchanges.
I have a coinbase wallet and also my minergate.
I have multicoin wallet on my phone Coinomi I haven't used it (yet) not sure how "good/safe" the wallet is When you say cryptonews are you referring to or the general term cryptonews as in the the market as a whole and current info/changes to market.