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RE: Laugh and Learn From My Mistakes

I will vouch for Cody for those who have not met him.

He is a rarer breed of dude these days, especially in the cultures of the United States, and what I mean by that is he is a straight shooter.

Cody, you write like you talk, and I like that. You're not a bullshitter, you say what you think, you admit when you're wrong, and while those two attributes should be easy to come by, they aren't as much anymore.

The internet is helping us authentic types find one another, and I love that.

This was great! I felt the sting of the missed opportunities FOR YOU, and it reminded me to pay attention to my open opportunities and not let them pass by.

Lessons learned are best shared so others can sidestep some of them.

Wisdom passed down the ladder is a hand pulling others up, so they skip rungs and reach higher places faster than we could.


On crypto:
I am with Cody. I wish I had invested when I heard about Bitcoin. I didn't. It was $12 then.

I learned though, and I am invested now!


I second your sentiments on Cody. A truly beautiful human being, he has great kindness in his heart and as you can see in this post, he's truly humble and willing to open himself up for the betterment of everyone who is lucky enough to know him. Keep up the great writing Cody!

Thanks so much! I appreciate you both. Humbled by your kind words!!!

You'll be hearing a lot from me. I have an immense pipeline of content to get out and a renewed energy for

I've worked out some ideas that I think can really help a lot of people. I'm excited! And grateful for this show of support.

Thank you both!