Progress! my path to a Bitcoin...


A little over a week ago, I made a post where I spoke about my goal to getting to a Bitcoin. I thought I should give an update...

Progress so far

I am very pleased so far with how things are going on Steemit. My profile is slowly gaining power and I have finally unlocked the vote slider.

I have also made a nice grab at Bitcoin and I am finally over a quarter of a Bitcoin. This is about twice the average wage of a South-African...

It is not possible for me to invest into Crypto so being able to say I earned it through blogging is quite incredible. For me as a South-African, this is even more amazing as the price of Bitcoin puts it far out of reach for the average person! This is more than the average wage in the country...


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Promoting Steemit

With the steady gains that I have been making, more and more people around me are starting to ask me questions about the platform. I am very happy about this as I believe bringing people to the platform is very important if we are to see the platform grow.

I would like to mention that South-Africa has a large gaming expo during the year called the rAge expo. I have been going to the expo for the last 9 years and have been part of the NAG LAN that accompanies it for 6 years now...

I never anticipated the opportunities that came with Steemit, but for once I really want to go to the LAN for a different reason. I plan on promoting the hell out of Steemit.

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I am also very interested in finding a mentor as I try to venture into Cryptocurrency investment.

Here is the rAge website:

Please follow me @dracosalieri and start a conversation with me. I am always ready for interaction.

I am also interested in posting more about my country should there be any questions...


I think me and you are going to get along.