Crypto News - Sunday 27 Aug

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)


Today's latest

Monero skyrockets due to recent adoption by Korean exchange. Litecoin's idle- Speculation of market manipulation and more.

Source links at the bottom

Monero's price rockets

Korean exchange adds Monero to it's books and the market goes wild.


Why? Beats me, and many other commentators have no clue either. Just speculation. The term speculation could also be referred to as idiocy. Monero founder doesn't even know what the pump was all about


Market manipulation is at play

Litecoin's future is looking awsome right? So why is the price not mooning? The evidence is in the market price of Litecoin compared to other coins. Some competing coins such as Monero have very little unique selling point once Lightning has been released on Litecoin, yet the Monero price has more quadrupled in 4 weeks.

I did like this reddit post that summarised my gut feeling about Litecoin's (LTC) price. Do I think that keeping LTC stable is a bad thing. No. So shorting the market is annoying for day traders. But for long term hodl'rs, this market price is a benign anomaly.

Charlie Lee and Jack Mallers are working on Zap wallet now

An interview with Charlie Lee was postponed till Monday.


Zap wallet available next week

My gut tells me it's because Charlie wants to say that the Zap wallet is available in the interview. Testing of the Lightning network Zap wallet is in process with Jack Mallers and in a live broadcast Jack indicated that Charlie and himself would be busy on the weekend testing it.

Future of cryptocurrency is governance

This post by the man that got Bitcoin on a satellite made me realise that for a cryptocurrency to succeed it needs democratic governance


Bitcoin currently looks like this

Dash and Decred have governance

But they lack the same strength and drive as Litecoin and Lightning network development. My personal opinion is that governance needs to be looked at before Litecoin gets as big as Bitcoin and stakeholders start getting their own ideas about Litecoin's direction. This will only hamper reliability. What people want more than anything from a currency is reliability.

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Discussion about Segwit (Segwit party)