One thing they do not realize is that this is the blockchain
Accusations and slanderous comments are permanent here
This can work against them one day in court
This time they have crossed the line using federal agencies
To harass and slander a company in the US
It is a federal crime to do so
They might just end up facing the other side of the law
They went over a line they cannot cross back from now
If you read anything that leaves you wondering or in doubt
Or if you have questions about our team
Please feel free to email us
We are open and transparent about everything we do
Visit DIY Tube Video Community:
Visit DIYT Coin Site for details:
Thank You
DIY Tube Video Community
I see Reid is Up-Voting his comments with all his Steemit accounts:
@thediyworld, @diy-tube-video, @trtectactical, @diy-electronics, @blogger101, @mysthrio.
Nobody wants to block or "grey-out" his lame and childish comments because we and his so-called trolls wants the world to see how pathetic he is.
Oh, then I ask you and your friends to remove all the down votes.
I count at this time 10 downvotes.
now, get your lies straight next time.
not going to happen because i learned a trick and have dozens of people helping me put it to work... soon all your scamming and fraudulent accounts will be flagged into oblivion ! ! !
you lose troy cagey man reid!
To conceal a crime would be a crime also. Let's err on the side of caution.
So, turning in a company for crimes they did NOT commit is good you think?
I mean, lets just get this straight for the blockchain.
Your 'company was turned in TO BE INVESTIGATED YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!!! Was not turned in for crimes, or charges or whatever victim bullshit you spout. Your company or any public business done by you should be checked by the authorities cause you clearly are CLUELESS MORON LYING SCAMMING FRAUD . You have no degrees, licenses, credentials that says you are skilled in anything hence your scams.
I feel a crime has been committed. This has been emphasized by the fact that you have pulled the plug on the enterprise - I'll be kind and not call it a scam. Furthermore, you have not shown a definitive link to where your coin is linked to the dollar. ie an exchange rate.
I used this search term:
Interesting. So you destroy our marketing team through threats and harassment.
Then say a crime has been committed when we cannot have our coin sale.
Yeah!! I would say so!!!!
"So you destroy our marketing team through threats and harassment."
Take your evidence to Law Enforcement!!!
Coin exchange where you can buy DIYT Coins!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH
You gave me this link the other night. One DIYT coin was worth ten cents, so you say. I don't see a dollar sign above the graph. It says 'Price'.
In the bottom left hand corner under 'Token' DIYT coin is not listed.
What is DIY coin worth in ETH?
Look for yourself. Its on the link I just gave you.
124 tokens sold, at $0.10
So, would I be correct in assuming that your ICO has raised $12.40 ?
Does it come with fries and salad?