Nice Crypto Earner ..

Hey hows it going !
There are many ways to earn some crypto currency on the internet and no doubt if you are reading this article then you will know how to earn Steem .
So below are some of the ways to earn a bit of cash, ill start with the the highest earner in my experience and i'll drop some affiliate links with it also ( that will help this channel out and reward you also )


COINBASE - You can buy cryptocurrency on coinbase and sell it, they currently support 24 different types of currency and you can quickly buy and sell on their website or with their mobile application. Coinbase are promoting an event where you are rewarded with cryptocurrency after you watch a short video on how it works ( 1 minute / 2 minutes ).
If you don't have an account with Coinbase.. its your lucky day because you can earn $10 by joining though my affiliate link.


The first one is called Stella Lumens or XLM for short and you can earn $10 right away followed by an extra $30 in referral links . So here is the first link to earning some XLM -


The Second earner is called EOS and its the same process of watching short videos followed by some referal links that will earn you $10 followed by another $30 in referrals .


The third one is called DAI coin and you can earn $6 strait away then you can earn $14 by following an advanced tutorial, this i found quite difficult because you need to understand how to transfer between wallets and how DAI coin works but if you cal pull it off there is a nice $20 earner right there !


The last earner on Coinbase is with a currency called BAT , this one you can earn $3 strait away then if you follow their advanced lesson that involves downloading their browser called Brave, that will earn you another $7 so in total $10. This was quite easy to follow and in fairness i have been using the Brave Browser and its really quite good!. Using the brave browser you can earn BAT while you browse the internet its simple to use and very much the same as using Google Chrome but Blocks unwanted adds ! If you want to start earning while browsing i have added a referal link that helps this channel out also ( thank you very much ! )


So thats a wrap for this blog entry, hopefully you will have fun making some crypto through an easy exchange like COINBASE and possibly kick start your future in digital currency. ! Until next time take care !


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