Holding Bitcoin, or money in the bank?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


I think this one is a no-brainer but I will have a bit of a word throw up on it anyways.

In Zimbabwe, we do not earn interest on having our money in our bank accounts. Savings or chequing accounts accrue zero interest. We get charged $5.00 every month just for having the account and that's before card transaction fees and the fee of $5.00 for each internet funds transfer.

In other countries I have heard that the interest rates from savings accounts are between 1.05 - 0.01%. I can't really say what the interest rate would be from having their money in Bitcoin due to the volatility, but I can say that it would be a heck of a lot more than any bank.

I hope to have my entire savings sitting in Bitcoin one day soon.

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The BS you just described is slowly creeping in here too

It's frustrating man, but good thing we have crypto.

yeah.... true 100%
unfortunatelly Dollar is not an asset.... so you have to look for assets and then put your hard earned dollaz there: property, shares, Bitcoin, Gold, business, rare things such as art, etc etc. Then the value of those assets will rise, not only because of rising demand, but also because Dollar will be falling down (QE and all similar Gov bullshit...).
Also best if you diversify a bit, between the assets I have mentioned, to less risk.

Take care bro!

Thanks man appreciate your comment. You too.