in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


In our world today, it is one thing to win a customer over to your side as salesperson or businessman and another to also retain him in your grasp, this task becomes even more difficult to carry out when the basic item in contention is not found in one place at a time thereby leading to a promiscuous tendency on the part of customers in order to satisfy their needs. A very good example of an item of sale that is not usually all found in one place is data.
As it's normal to be found in a vibrant economy, there is need for a robust trade or marketing system which is active and caters for the needs of all the firms, companies and users alike in terms of data. The inadequacy of such data providing platforms makes the data providers not able to keep their customers to themselves because of the paucity of the specific data sought for by the customer. This trend has also extended to the world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets. The vast and widespread of the use of cryptocurrencies as well as its massive adoption by some major companies and industries of the world has made it only expedient that the monetization of the data market is not only possible but also necessary for the continuous growth of the use of cryptocurrencies and block chain technology.

The concept of cryptocurrencies has made tremendous efforts towards evolving and revolutionizing the income generating sector through the utilization of blockchain technology, it has led to the monetization of many fields of human endeavor which were formally considered not viable, making innovations the order of the day whilst having the satisfaction of the customers needs most paramount in the dispensation of its services. DataBlockChain is one of such innovative platforms that has made it possible for money to be generated from places people never thought money would come from. It has made the provision of data very easy for the consumer, making it possible to retaining the customer.

There exists a myriad of problems that militate against the provision of monetized data for an individual, an entity or a brand or potential customer. This occurs most especially when such a person is searching for a specific set of data. Some of such problems include;
The paucity of information or data that matches the specific set of data sought for by the customer is a problem. It takes a lot of time and resources for a firm or individual to actually locate the specific set of data it sought for and make it available to their customers, this has caused the customers to move from one data provider to another not making for a stable data provider who Is capable of satisfying all the data needs of a customer at a time without the customer having to burn resources and time going from one data vendor to another.

The rigour of negotiating how much the data will cost as well as establishing the privacy levels for the data sought for is also another issue as most times the interests of the data providers come under a direct threat. The above-mentioned problems make it not cost effective to even make provision for a variety of data that can be synchronized into one specific data set which can satisfy a customer looking for data bothering on diverse fields at a given time.
The inability of a data owner to be able to decipher on his own a viable market where his monetized data can be sold comfortably without the aid of a third party due to the lack of knowledge on his part of where high level of demand for the data he has for sale is required, is also an issue and this makes the sale a very hard task to undertake. Another issue is the lack of trust on the part of data owners for the people to which they sell their data making them reluctant to even release such data as they fear they won't get their money's worth from the monetized data .

The problem of security of such data and how it is stored also comes into play. Since there is no regulatory yardstick for these form of transactions most people tend to abuse the process. Which results in discrepancies stemming from the lack of transparency in the mode of sharing accrued interest from monetized data especially between data owners and third parties who carry out the sale.

Another problem in the data market is the time and money it takes to create the amount of data required by most potential customers is quite cumbersome as opposed to the returns expected from the customers themselves. It is most often than not very expensive and time consuming making the synchronization of all such data a very difficult task for the provider. Hence, the need for a uniform platform that can work hand in hand with data vendors all over the world.


After a careful study of the market mechanism that existed before and how it has negatively affected all the people in the business a group of industrious individuals came up with a plan to put an end to such problems and the platform under which the group comes under is known as is a project that has come to make the sale of monetized data very stable and transparent so as to encourage the trade on such commodity.
It introduces a new system of trade on data that works through the instrumentality of the BlockChain mechanism making for a very suitable mode of trade on monetized data. It brings together the sale of data and an active AI system and the Blockchain into one umbrella that would make for an efficient system.
The first problem the platform remedies is the problem of an even distribution of data for sale at all levels. The old models of data sale only made provision for the sale of data to high profile buyers I.e. big companies and customers, leaving people at the base to fend for themselves. That, however, has changed with, it has made it possible for everyone who demands data whether from the high, medium or low cadre of distribution to be able to get such information at an affordable price and in due time.
They have also introduced an innovative approach towards obtaining data and structuring the platform for the sale of monetized data so as to aid in the ease and accessibility of such platforms and making for a fluid system. This innovation is referred to as the Smart Index Engine(SIE). It makes sure that the privacy of the data sold is maintained, this feat is achieved through the segregation of the data source partners from their data. This singular innovation remedies the problem of the privacy of the data partners and also makes it possible for an immediate and transparent mode of payment for the data bought through the use of the Ethereum blockchain thereby eliminating the fear of data owners as to them getting their money’s worth from the data they sell using the platform. This now serves as a form of regulatory yardstick on how transactions involving data sale are carried out.


The brings all the data required by a customer together to form one bulk of information and makes the monetized data available to the customer. This reduces the rigour and stress required to source for various specific data sets to make up the whole of the total information sought for. This makes the transaction system very efficient and cost-effective saving the customer from unnecessary expenditure in the course of procuring data.
This also means that eliminates the existence of third parties who always make the sale of such data inconvenient for the data owner. introduces a trade model split three ways to effectively cater for the customers needs.

The first in the rank is the primary revenue model which collects such amount of data as is necessary from big data partners and indexes it through the SIE but such data does not belong to, only serves as the medium for the sale of such data, making sure that every party in the chain of supply makes some profit.
The second in the rank is the secondary revenue model which involves data provided by which should be stored on their database and the last one is the tertiary revenue model which is a combination of secluded data onboard the platform. All these models are there to raise funds from all angles of the sale of monetized data and should be encouraged within the system.
IMG_20180605_014722.jpg has also in a bid to make data provision work effectively partnered with which is a leading DIY mobile app development community and has a sizeable amount of small business users on their platform to provide data leads for through their blockchain based system. This is done solely for the purpose of satisfying the customers needs effectively 24/7. has put in place the best set of people to carry out this job. The team is fully backed up by Media Direct Inc., a leading company in the world based on the digital data industry. The platform has a very solid foundation that is set to completely revolutionize the sale of monetized data and adopt a system where everyone makes maximum attainable profits from the efficacious system it seeks to create an avenue where customer satisfaction is assured.

The token is known as the DBCCoin. This token goes for the price of $0.12 but at Pre-ICO it was $0.08. The total number of tokens put forward for sale is 591,600,000 tokens and the minimum amount investable is 0.1 ETH and at Pre-ICO it was 1ETH. The platform used is Ethereum. Users are expected to have Ethereum wallets for ease of transactions of the platform. The DBCCoins would be used solely on the platform and for all transactions on the platform. It would also be used for rewards and incentives on the platform.


Datablockchain has partnered with different platforms that will aid in achieving the project vision. Below is a preview of partners :

The team and advisors comprise of intellectuals who are devoted and have great experience , capable of achieving the project aim. The team members and advisors can be seen on the images below :

CONCLUSION is a welcome development in the world of data sale. The system when fully initiated would cater for a lot of the problems that prior to this moment existed in the course of the sake of monetized data. The system would make for a widespread even distribution of data to all the people who require it, making for equality within the system and the maximization of realizable profits.
The increase in the demand for data in the last few years has warranted for a necessary revamp of the prevalent system of sale of such data to customers and that is what has come to do. The sale of monetized data would make for huge profitable returns and all investors are enjoined to invest in this project as it promises to be a hit. DataBlockChain has now come to make the system a state of art one and as such there's no reason not to key into their plan.

Datablockchain project has been rated outstanding by top rating platforms after due diligence. See preview of some below :

Consider checking out the links below to know more about this mind-blowing project.

Website :
Telegram main group:
Telegram bounty:
Facebook :
LinkedIn :

Author's bountyox username : deodivine


Interesting piece. I like the project aim, but please how well can you rate the team over 100, let me know if I'm buying in ?

First of all thanks for your interest. For team rating, I won't be exaggerating if I give them 100/100 because they got what I look out for in a superb team. Great experience, good project vision and above all are extremely devoted. Hope that helps, you can check out the website if you want to buy in, it's a good one 👌

Great project with clearly defined Objectives, plans and solutions. Thumbs up

Thanks for your observation. The project is outstanding

Interesting piece, i particularly like the fact they they are already partnered with a data company. Shows promise, please keep us updated on more developments.

OK great 👌