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RE: I Find Your Lack of Faith in Cryptocurrency Disturbing.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

May the fourth be with you!

Seems to me there's a lot of frenzy in the markets at the moment being driven not by wisdom, but by FOMO and some people are going to lose their shirts to stupid mistakes. I honestly don't know enough about cryptos to understand the principles behind the 700 lookalike shitcoins out there, 90% of which look to me like one more iteration of "reinventing the wheel," (Yeah, but OURS has 48 grooves per revolution, not 42!) with no real purpose for actually existing.

Point being, this seems not all that different from a time where everyone was saying "invest in dot-coms" without having a CLUE what any of those startups were actually DOING. And a bunch of people lost their lives when the bubble burst and only the "real" companies were left with something...


Yes, it looks eerily similar to me as well but the difference is the amount of money. We have not even seen institutional investors join yet.