Realist news wanted me to help him pump Theta coin-I refused and Snippy got very angry, gaslighted me and retaliated like a baby!

Snippy has retaliated when I stated facts, my psychic view on Theta coin-which is, it is a high-risk investment, the coin has a very dark energy. It can't move much. It may multiply, but people likely will lose alot of money with this coin in the end. It is a scam. I was called names, entire fairytales were spread against me, all he said about me has been debunked as basically 100 % is false. He went very low in an attempt to take away my followers. He called me names and retaliated like a baby. Sorry Snippy, most people who are smart see right through it, because lies have short legs!

I was bullied, for being honest and having integrity.

Snippy has shown his true colors as he revealed himself in his video bashing me with 100% falsehoods, airing his dirty laundry publically. His groupies blindly fell for the scam-and kept supporting his false claims, no matter what evidence was presented to them-this is a sign of Groupthink. The groupies want to believe the cult leader.

I was warned, long before this fall-out, to stay away from the group. People told me I would be terrific and do good work, yet this group is a 'sinking ship'. I needed to distance myself. I refused to go on his show and was never part of anything. I never asked his help nor did I need his help. I have been very succesful on my own for a very long time and swamped with appointments as well as many Patreons long before he contacted me.

Do not fall for black snake oil salesmen. Alot of people have lost alot of money with their trading strategies and very expensive courses!

For more information:

Twitter: utsava@utsava4

Patreon: Gab: Vimeo:


Thanks for commenting. I realized that this fraud managed to get your video deleted. Since he has been bashing me, his videos get promoted left and right.