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RE: Is a Law Only As Good As Enforcement?

The government state and federal pass new laws and amendments everyday about 40,000. new one a year. As law enforcement the police don't enforce something they don't know I've seen many of times the police place you under arrest before you are charge so they go back to the station then can look up laws that can be applied and will stick. ( AKA Throwing the book at you lol)
There are so many laws you cross path with a law enforcement officer they will find something to charge you with. I believe in law if it not there it will be chaos in the streets dog eat dog tape of thing in some parts of the country. So Laws is a form of CONTROL a dictator the USA is not a free land. Now the Native Indian I hear all the time how we taken the land from them. Well when all this land taken was going on the English settlers was not the only ones here doing that you had the French and Mexican doing the same. The Native Indian was getting it all the way around and my hart go out for what they endured. But if we didn't clam the land someone else would have.
Good post everyone need to be aware of all the laws that put in place Daily.
Here a funny law I read Theirs a State it illegal to die in lol like I know when I'm going to kick the bucket