Video re-post of the Dash News Podcast episode 137. This week we had special guest Dr. Darren Tapp to discuss his recent security analysis of chainlocks blog post and also his thoughts on Dash's economic incentives.
⏱️ Podcast Video Timestamps:
- 0:56 Introducing Prof. Dr. Darren Tapp and tappmath.com
- 2:30 The security analysis of chainlocks
- 12:17 block reward reallocation security aspects (mostly relating to SPV wallets)
- 17:30 Is ASU doing research on this (mostly relating to Dash's economic model)
- 18:50 How would you optimize Dash's economics?
- 24:18 monetary velocity vs price and aggregate demand
- 27:50 can we have the Dash price on-chain
- 29:25 Dash's inflation rate
- 33:37 Do these chances affect scaling ability
- 36:45 What is on the ASU research to-do list
- 39:25 MNO voting, staking and trustless MN shares
- 42:33 Reducing voting obstacles
- 47:35 Dash staking
- 52:00 Will you be posting more Dash research on tappmath.com
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Posted from Dash News : https://dashnews.org/dash-podcast-137-feat-dr-darren-tapp-security-analysis-of-chainlocks-and-dash-economic-incentives/