Yep, this is a good companion to your more focused content. Essentially (from my fiction writers perspective) this is a vlogger freewriting, exploring thoughts/ideas without the rigid quality requirements that can cage creative thought and suppress emerging concepts.
The theory of a manipulation cartel is a little overblown and I def. not the type to poo-poo alternative narratives to how the world is ACTUALLY working. Threads of truth in the overall theory for sure, but it's a little too clean and "pieced-together" for me to intuit (and of course intuition isn't the best mechanism for discerning truth, i get it) it as a plausible scenario. Admittedly, i didn't go through the entire article (stupid me) but I did follow your discussion of it. This is a huge, emerging marketplace that is revolutionizing the way people view value exchange. To boil macro price movements down to simplified cause and effect relationships doesn't sit well in my stomach.