Alt Coin Speed Dating (14) - Get to know different coins FAST and Simplified

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Welcome back to your Crypto Speed Dating experience, where you can get to know Alt coins fast and with a simple explanation of what it does.

To Recap how this goes, the point of this little exercise is to save people from getting bogged down forever reading white papers, as there are so many Alt Coins out there and a lot are just not worth your time!
Others however, are Diamonds in the rough, just waiting to be found and can make us ridiculous returns in the future.
My aim is to help you uncover some of those better opportunities and I will give you a quick profile on all the different Alt Coins as I move through them part by part.

Hopefully I can assist you in separating the promising coins from the potential junk ones quickly, so you only spend time researching the coins that interest you most.

I will also provide my own rating for each one but regardless of my score, I will include the link to the Alt Coins website underneath for you to check out if you want to.
The more thumbs up, the more I like it (max of 5).

The Market continues to give us many false dawns before taking a hammering again but I am enjoying picking up my weekly bargains. At some point though, we need the confidence of a sustained bull run so lets hope Q2 delivers in the Crypto space like it did last year.

Lets take a look at some Alt Coins you can pick up and see if we can find some keepers.

Neo (NEO) Current Price $59.03 USD or $76.95 AUD All Time High Price: $191.26 USD

NEO is a non-profit community-based Blockchain project that is widely considered as the “Chinese Ethereum” because it, like Ethereum, is aiming to build a platform on which other DApps or Decentralised Applications can be built.
NEO cryptocurrency is the the first decentralised, open-source cryptocurrency and Blockchain platform launched in China.
NEO describes itself as a distributed network for the Smart Economy and it's cryptocurrency provides a framework for the digitalisation of real world assets.
NEO's goal is to make Blockchain development accessible to everyone and is often regarded as a potential Ethereum killer.
The NEO Cryptocurrency claims to be able to handle over 1,000 transactions per second, with a goal of optimising to over 10,000 transactions per second.
Apart from the NEO coin itself, the NEO platform has another crypto-token called “GAS”
GAS token is basically the fuel token for the realisation of NEO network resources.
A user has to pay some amount of GAS tokens to make any kind of transaction.
Any holder of NEO who holds it in their official NEO wallet receive's free GAS tokens as Dividends.

👍👍👍👍👍 - Everyone loves Neo. Half the Alt Coins I buy under a dollar you dream of seeing them reach the heights of NEO. Has a huge following in China and so much upside given the commercial investment in Blockchain technology that keeps growing daily.
I think Neo will go from strength to strength over time and I would not be surprised if it nears Ethereum's value by the end of 2018.
Also, by keeping NEO in your NEO wallet you get free GAS, which is valued at nearly $20 USD per coin.

Storm (STORM) Current Price: 4c USD or 5c AUD All Time High Price: 24c USD

Storm is a new Crypto that seeks to help users earn an income by performing Micro Tasks.
The Storm Market creates more earning opportunities for people all around the world by utilizing Blockchain technology to enable micro-transactions to be carried out in an efficient manner.
Storm make it easy for members to find new ways to earn, engage and advance with a gamified micro-task platform for STORM tokens.
Users can earn by playing videos and trying out new products and services.
Storm Market aims to change the way that people all around the world earn with one simple motto: earn from anywhere, at any time, from any device.
Storms gamified micro-task platform creates an engaging user experience that encourages active participation with the STORM token community.
The ever present unemployment in the western world, particularly the USA has seen micro-tasking become a genuine economic force. (Examples include filling out paid surveys, rating products, and so on for some kind of incentive).
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk is the most notable and largest micro-tasking service.
Companies can use Mturk for all types of services, from audio transcription to human visual identification, to proofreading, and other things which cannot be accurately done by computers.
With the introduction of Blockchain to the Storm Play App, this will be the first step in an evolution toward what StormX envisions as an entire decentralised marketplace for tasks – the “Storm Market.”
The Storm Market will operate similar to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store in that it will serve as a platform where Storm Makers and Storm Players can create and accept tasks using smart contracts powered by the tokens created by the STORM ICO.

👍👍👍👍 - Storms concept is a powerful one and is sure to attract many users globally.
Storm believe that more people would participate in micro-tasking programs if they were able to receive direct monetary value no matter where they were and as unemployment rises across a lot of countries I am inclined to agree with them.
User will be able to even perform tasks on their mobile phone and earn Storm tokens.
I see a huge opportunity for a massive adoption of this Crypto and the Platform it will provide users.

Qtum (QTUM) Current Price $16.05 USD or $20.86 AUD All Time High Price: $103.45 USD

Qtum is an open-sourced transaction platform which focuses on mobile decentralised apps or dapps.
Qtum aims to be a bridge between Bitcoin and Ethereum functionalities.
The Qtum software itself is a hybrid fork of the Bitcoin core and has an account abstraction layer which allows it to run with other virtual machines such as the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
Bitcoin itself, was designed to be a value transfer program, while Ethereum is primarily a smart contracts platform.
Qtum is a hybrid of the two, a value transfer protocol which can also support dapps and smart contracts.
It is being developed by the Qtum Foundation, based in Singapore.
Qtum is also the world’s first Proof-of-Stake (PoS) smart contracts platform.
Qtum aims to be the world’s premier smart contract platform and is focused on mobile development software.
Comparing it to Ethereum, Ethereum aims to become the universal platform for Smart Contracts and dapps.
However, as explained in the Qtum Blockchain Economy Whitepaper, Ethereum has some technical implementation challenges which Qtum looks to solve.
One of these issues is that currently a user needs to have synchronised the entire Blockchain (which is around 30gigs) in order to use an Ethereum software-based dapps.
This is a big problem for devices with small amounts of storage or low bandwidth and is potentially leaving out a large percentage of the mobile market.
Today about half of all total internet traffic in the world comes from mobile devices.
With the number of smartphone users predicted to increase from its current estimation of 2.1 billion people to 2.87 billion by 2020, having the ability to cater for these users is critical to the mass adoption of Blockchain.
Another problem Qtum is aiming to solve is the relative limited functionality Ethereum has.
For an Ethereum smart contract to execute, the trigger for the sequence to begin has to come from inside of the Blockchain itself.
Qtum looks to improve on this by implementing what Patrick Dai calls a “Master Contract”.
Qtum is making it possible to use triggers from outside the Blockchain to initiate contracts.
This will open more doors, will make their platform more useful and adaptable to the real world.

👍👍👍👍👍 - Hard to not be impressed with QTUM and the real word applications of it will be huge if it can solve the problems it claims it can.
Creating that bridge outside of the Blockchain to help initiate the contracts and adoption is exciting.
I suspect QTUM will attract a lot of commercial dollars as Blockchain technology becomes more mainstream

I hope you enjoyed my Part 14 and found some Alt Coins that catch your eye.
If you didn't find a coin you love today not to worry, there is an Alt Coin for everyone out there and I will be back with my next one tomorrow.

Thanks for reading

Keep Chasing that Dragon

  • Dahmsy79