This app has got Very Extensive TOOLS to Manage Your Crypto Currency Portfolio. If you have invested in Multiple Crypto Currencies or You would like to keep track of multiple crypto currencies of your interest. Then Why Not Give it a Try. Because It carries the following Best Features as Said Officially. Check It Out...
Except The above listed Image and Descriptions. I would like to Show Some Screenshots from My Own Portfolio and Describe what i like the most about this app. It is one App Which is Must for the Crypto Lovers. Have a Look...

As we can See in those above listed photos. This app has got the Capacity to list Multiple Crypto Currencies from Multiple Exchanges. Here I am Going to List My Own Favourite Features of this App in Random order as under.
- Multiple Crypto Currency Management from Multiple Exchanges in a Single Place.
- Quick View of Total Holdings, Percentage Change in 24hrs & Percentage Change in individual Coins as well.
- Detailed Chart and 24hrs Market Data of Individual Coins added in your portfolio.
- Return of Investment in Percentage and in Dollars or Your Local Currency with Profit or Loss.
- BEST of THE BEST feature is Developers are Very Responsive and Active.
Because Each Comments Here in My POSTS Gets PAID !!!
Get Paid for Whatever You DO in My POSTS
Because I DO the Same in Return !!!
A REAL WIN-WIN Situation...

Good post
@cworldv99... Just downloaded BlockFolio... Thank You for the Heads-Up !!
UpVoted & Following... please consider following me. Thanks Again...
Have a Great Weekend !!
@sacred-agent, Good Job ! Now, Enjoy the POWER of Crypto Currency with the Help of Blockfolio... & YES, 100% I Do UpVOTE the Comments Who UpVOTES & Comments ME... TO FOLLOW Back is My RULE !!! Thanks...
I'm actually putting all the data for my coin purchases now...(( quite a few of them ))... AND now will have very accurate numbers to assess, rather than guessing or estimating.
Very Good App... Thanks Again @Cworldv99 !!
Keep Going...
hello......@cworldv99 its great job
Thanks for Supporting My POST. as I have UpVOTED YOU. Do Follow me as well. Thanks !
I've been using this app since last few months. And indeed it's an awesome/easy to use app available. Good share. ^^
Love & Share to Grow with... Thanks
WOW ! Nice post loved it. As I am also using this app. Thanks for updating...
Thanks for Encouraging me...!!!
Good post. I've installed, but doesn't allow me to have múltiple portfolios. So it doesn't work for my idea.
I would beg to differ. I have used both Blockfoio and Cointracking. I feel Cointracking is much more feature rich and the automated imports of transactions using API reduces a lot of manual effort.
Funny that I wrote a similar post about Cointracking listing the features that I use frequently.
Cool post! But have you tried CoinTracker? It's much more user friendly and allows you to automatically sync your transactions from your favorite exchanges and wallets so that you never have to manually enter a transaction again.