The newly restarted crypto-friendly Medici Bank has been reported to start taking in clients next month with a private beta for select clients.
According to the banks CEO Ed Boyle, the Puerto Rico-based bank will be working to test its onboard process, web portal an application interface with five international companies.
Boyled did not disclose the companies that will be participating in beta testing but hinted that three of these companies are related to cryptocurrency business with at least one being a cryptocurrency exchange.
He adds that there are great opportunities in banking services for cryptocurrency-related businesses as there are fewer than 10 banks on the entire planet that can be considered cryptocurrency-friendly.
Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - September 27, 2019
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Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - September 26, 2019
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Singapore Open Up To Digital Banking
Central Bank Of Venezuela To Add Bitcoin And Ether To Its Reserves
Bittrex Partners With Chainalysis To Track High-Risk Transactions
New Stacking Features In Binance
Headlines for the world of Cryptocurrencies - September 25, 2019
Big Four Auditor Claims US Consumers Likely To Use Blockchain Tokens
Fold App Raises $2.5 Million To Bring Lightning Network To Retailers
5 Cryptos Available For Purchase Using Credit And Debit Card At Binance
Biki.com Founder Invited To Speak At Condex World’s Top 50 Innovators
5 New Altcoins Available For Trading in BitFlyer US And Europe