DW Van Hook's Crypto Resource Guide 2018 Edition
Magazines and Blogs
[] https://cryptohackers.party/ CryptoHackers
Cryptoworld superheroes interviews. Fascinating facts, teams insides and success stories.
[] https://cointelegraph.com/ CoinTelegraph
The leading publication offering latest news, analysis, expert opinions, community commentaries. Founded in 2013.
[] https://www.coindesk.com/ CoinDesk
CoinDesk is the world leader in news and information on digital currencies. 17M mothly users. [] http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/ CryptoCoins
NewsFresh news and analysis. This huge blog posts very frequently. Approx. 7M readers monthly.
[] https://bitcoinmagazine.com/ Bitcoin Magazine
Bitcoin Magazine is the oldest and most established source of news, information and expert commentaries. Sometimes posts deep and very interesting articles.
[] https://99bitcoins.com/ 99 Bitcoins
99 Bitcoins is the largest information source for non technical newbies.
[] https://www.coinspeaker.com/ Coin Speaker
Founded in 2014, CoinSpeaker is one of the most influentional news source.
[] http://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/ The Memory Pool
Satoshi Nakamoto Institute blog.
[] http://www.ofnumbers.com/category/bitcoin/ Tim Swanson Blog
Blog of director of market research at R3.
[] http://blog.oleganza.com/ Oleg Andreev Blog
Blog of hardcore developer, product architect at Chain.com.
[] https://freedom-to-tinker.com/tag/bitcoin/ Freedom to Tinker
Princeton hosted tech blog: researches and experts commentaries.
[] http://moneyandstate.com/ Money and State
Blog of Erik Voorhees, CEO of leading digital asset exchange ShapeShift.io
[] http://gavinandresen.ninja/ Gavin Andersesn Blog
Blog of Bitcoin developer.
[] https://petertodd.org/ Peter Todd Blog
Blog of Todd, the applied cryptography consultant.
[] https://gendal.me/tag/bitcoin/ Richard Brown Blog
Blog of Head of Technology at R3CEV.
[] https://laanwj.github.io/ Laanwj Blog
Blog of Bitcoin core developer and reverse engineer.
[] https://www.cryptoanalyst.co/ Crypto Analyst
World’s premier cryptocurrency news analysis.
[] https://bitrazzi.com/ BitrazziBitcoin
Cryptocurrency And Blockchain News.
[] https://medium.com/@VitalikButerin Vitalik Buterin
Ethereum creator, cryptocurrency evangelist.
[] https://bitcointechtalk.com/ Bitcoin Tech Talk
All About Bitcoin Development.
[] https://medium.com/@tuurdemeester Tuur Demeester
Economist, investor, editor in chief at Adamant Research.
[] https://vinnylingham.com/ Vinny Lingham
CEO of Civic.com.
[] https://medium.com/@nicolasdorier Nicolas Dorier
Main developer of NBitcoin. CTO at Metaco SA.
[] https://thecontrol.co/@ntmoney Nick Tomaino
Tech investor @RunaCapital.
[] https://medium.com/@elombrozo Eric Lombrozo
Co-CEO, CTO Ciphrex Corp., Bitcoin Core contributor.
[] https://medium.com/@jimmysong Jimmy Song
Bitcoin Developer and Entrepreneur.
[] https://medium.com/@nicolasdorier Nicolas Dorier
Main developer of NBitcoin. CTO at Metaco SA.
[] https://medium.com/@linda.xie Linda Xie
Product Manager @Coinbase. Advisor @0xProject.
[] https://medium.com/@FEhrsam Fred Ehrsam
Previously co-founder @Coinbase, trader @GoldmanSachs, computer science @DukeU.
[] https://tokeneconomy.co/ Token Economy
Making sense of the latest in crypto-land: cryptocurrencies, blockchains, ICOs, dapps and the growing token economy.
[] https://medium.com/the-midas-guide The Midas Guide
Blockchain, crypto original researches.
Telegram channels
[] https://t.me/join_cryptomemes Crypto Memes
Cryptoworld funny pictures.
[] https://t.me/Crypto Crypto
The god of all crypto channels.
[] https://t.me/UpcomingICOs UpcomingICOs
This channel is dedicated to informing people of up and coming ICO's.
[] https://t.me/bitcoinnews CryptoNews
Cryptocurrency news megafeed that is posted in real time, even before they hit social media.
[] https://t.me/ethereumdapps Ethereum dapps
Ethereum DAPPS news and updates.
News Aggregators
[] https://coinbuzz.stream/ CoinBuzz
CoinBuzz aggregates news from many sources (Twitter, Reddit, Google Trends etc) and displays it in the Trello style.
[] https://cryptopanic.com/ CryptoPanic
CryptoPanic is news aggregator platform indicating impact on price and market for traders and cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
[] https://www.ethnews.com ETHNews
ETHNews is emerging provider of Ethereum and Blockchain ecosystem news.
[] https://coinspectator.com/ Coin Spectator
Get the latest cryptocurrency, bitcoin & blockchain news from many news sources.
[] https://site.cointerminal.co/ CoinTerminal
CoinTerminal instantly aggregates, summarizes and analyzes market chatter for sentiment and streams it in real-time.
[] http://www.coinscalendar.com/ CoinsCalendar
CoinsCalendar displays all upcoming coins events and updates.
[] https://coindar.org/ CoinDar
Be first to know about coming cryptocurrency news, updates, hard forks, meetups, coins listing on exchanges and other important events.
[] https://itunes.apple.com/app/btcnews-bitcoin-cryptocurrency/id946903421 BTCnews
Mature cryptocurrency news and charts app for iOS.
Price Trackers
[] https://altcoins.racing/ Altcoins Racing
Altcoins Racing shows the price change winners and losers.
[] https://coinmarketcap.com/ CoinMarketcap
Old and cool. All coins prices, graphs, market caps. API, widgets, tools. Used by 90M monthly users.
[] http://coincap.io/ Coincap
CoinCap tracks market data for hundreds of cryptocurrencies in real-time. They also have very useful mobile app.
[] https://cryptowat.ch Cryptowatch
Live price charts and market data for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. Many exchanges, flexible settings and cool API.
[] https://www.bfxdata.com/ Bfxdata
Charts and Stats for Bitfinex market data and margin funding.
[] https://bitcoinwisdom.com Bitcoinwisdom
Live Bitcoin/Litecoin charts with EMA, MACD and other indicators. Support many exchanges (Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Coinbase, Bittrex, Poloniex etc).
[] http://www.flippening.watch/ Flippening Watch
When will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin and become the most important cryptocurrency?
[] https://coindexapp.com Coindex
Beautiful cryptocurrency price tracker for iOS.
[] https://www.worldcoinindex.com/ WorldCoinIndex
Realtime cryptocurrency price monitoring tool. Lots of altcoins and many fiat currencies.
[] https://cryptrader.com/ CryptoTrader
Cryptocurrency trading platform. Charts, news and trollbox. Add widgets to customize the look.
[] https://coindailyupdate.com Coin Daily Update
Daily email update with price changes of customizable coins.
[] https://coindera.com/ Coindera
Real time cryptocurrency price alerts for 2,000+ coins on 25+ exchanges.
ICO Trackers
[] https://icotracker.net ICOtracker
Very informative and trusted tracker.
[] https://theicodigest.com The ICO digest
Weekly ICO digest.
[] https://www.tokendata.io/ TokenData
See ICO stats: ROI, total investments, status and other information.
[] https://www.coinschedule.com CoinSchedule
Live Token Sales and ICOs.
[] https://icobazaar.com/list ICO Bazaar
Informative website + ICOs alerts.
[] https://picoloresearch.com/ Picoloresearch
Independent research on blockchain startups and ICOs.
[] https://www.smithandcrown.com/icos/ Smith + Crown ICO list
Curated list of ongoing and upcoming token sales. Have some research tiers.
[] http://icorating.com/ ICORating
ICOrating specializes in evaluating companies with planned ICO.
[] https://www.icoalert.com/ ICO Alert
Source for analysis of active and upcoming Initial Coin Offerings.
[] https://tokenmarket.net TokenMarket
TokenMarket is marketplace for tokens, digital assets and blockchain based investing.
[] https://icodrops.com/ ICOdrops
Constantly updating kanban style ICO board.
[] http://icowhitelists.com ICO Whitelists
Articles on ICOs. Also tracks growth of 200+ Telegram groups for ICOs.
[] https://localbitcoins.com/ Local Bitcoins
Buy and sell bitcoins near you. Trusted by 10M monthly users.
[] https://www.poloniex.com/ PoloniexUSA. Trust: 3.5/5. Tons of altcoins. Poor support.
[] https://www.coinbase.com CoinBaseUSA. Trust: 5/5. Pay with fiat.
[] https://www.kraken.com/ KrakenUSA. Trust: 5/5. Founded in 2011.
[] https://www.bittrex.com BittrexUSA. Trust: 3.8/5. Many altcoins.
[] https://cex.io/ CEX.IOUK. Trust: 5/5. Fiat. Newbie friendly.
[] https://www.bestbitcoinexchange.io/ BestBitcoin
ExchangeCurated list of 35 popular exchanges. Looks SEOish but does the job well.
[] https://shapeshift.io Shapeshift
No login, fast, awesome API.
[] https://changelly.com/ Changelly
Fiat, nice affiliate program.
[] https://cryptoradar.co Cryptoradar
Compares prices and features from > 25 exchanges and brokers.
[] https://www.binance.com Binance
Modern exchange with the lowest fees and it's own token.
[] https://www.kucoin.com Kucoin
Modern. Evolving really fast. Has it's own token.
[] https://t.me/join_trollbox The Moon Trollbox
Hot news discussions, rumors and friendly talks. No cersorship.
[] https://t.me/join_cht The CHT Community
Official CryptoHackers Telegram chat. The place to talk to founders of your favourite crypto startups and apps. [] https://cryptoaquarium.com Crypto Aquarium
Great community (Telegram, Slack). Curated by Joshua Petty, the Coindex creator. 800+ members.
[] https://discordapp.com/invite/VpPrGmF?ref=cryptominded Bitpam
Friendly Discord community. 300+ members.
[] https://t.me/BitcoinCore Bitcoin Core Community
Telegram discussion about Bitcoin and Bitcoin Core. 2000+ members.
[] https://self-inviter-slack2.herokuapp.com/ BitcoinMarkets
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency price discussion. The official Slack of /r/bitcoinmarkets. 4000+ members.
[]https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSed5Mnu0G5ZMJdWs6cTO_8sTJfUVfe1sYL6WFDcD51_XuQkZw/viewform Blockstack
Official Blockstack Slack community. 3000+ members.
[] http://community.cryptominded.com/ CryptoMinded
All things crypto: events, jobs, trades, news. 1000+ Slack members.
[] https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=bitcoin&uio=d4/ IRC #bitcoin channel
Old good IRC. The channel of 200 silent people.
[] https://cryptoheresy.com CryptoHeresy
Fresh Bitcoin forum with focus on cryptocurrency tools and resources.
[] https://bitcoinTalk.org/ Bitcoin Talk
Homepage of the Bitcoin community from the start. Made by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.
[] https://forum.bitcoin.com/ Bitcoin.com Forum
Strong community of 30,000+ users.
[] https://bitcoingarden.org BitcoinGarden
This young forum has appeared in Jan 2017.
[] https://cryptocurrencytalk.com/ CryptoCurrencyTalk
Born in 2013, very active forum. Modern engine.
[] https://www.cryptocompare.com Cryptocompare
CryptoCompare is interactive platform where you can discuss the latest crypto trends and monitor all markets streaming in real time. Also includes perfect altfoilio app.
[] https://www.tradingview.com/u/DLavrov/ Trading View
Follow pro traders and learn from their analyzes. (Mr. Lavrov is great specialist).
[] https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/ Bitcoin on StackExchange
Question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts.
[] https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/ /r/Bitcoin/
Discuss Bitcoin news on Reddit. 300,000+ readers.
[*] https://steemit.com Steemit
Better than Reddit running on a blockchain. Post to earn $. Spend $ to promote yourself.
[] https://coinality.com/ Coinality
Coinality is free service connecting crypto employers and job seekers.
[] https://www.cryptogrind.com/ Cryptogrind
Bitcoin freelance platform.
[] https://blockchaindevjobs.com/ Blockchain Dev Jobs
Curated list of jobs from around the web for blockchain engineers.
[] https://ethlance.com Ethlance
Hire or work for ETH.
[] https://www.reddit.com/r/Jobs4Bitcoins/ /r/Jobs4Bitcoins/
Place on Reddit to offer your talents and skills in exchange for the fastest growing currency in the world.
[] https://crypto.jobs Crypto.jobs
Well categorized jobs list. Owner does a lot to promote it.
[] https://beincrypto.com Beincrypto
Aggregates all the crypto jobs from major job boards.
[] http://blockrepublic.io/blockchain-jobs/ Jobs by BlockRepublic
Useful filters, locations and categories.
[] https://cryptojobslist.com/ Crypto Jobs List
Curated jobs from top verified blockchain companies.
[] https://bitcoin.org/en/download Bitcoin Core
Bitcoin Core is MIT licensed open source Bitcoin wallet. It runs own full node so 145GG of free disk space is required. OSX/Linux/Windows/Ubuntu.
[] https://blockchain.info/wallet/#/ Blockchain.info
World’s most popular digital wallet. Mobile apps included.
[] https://electrum.org/#home Electrum
Thin Bitcoin client. Opensource, MIT, has 100+ contributors.
[] https://www.exodus.io Exodus
Exodus is the first desktop multi-asset wallet with ShapeShift built in.
[] https://www.myetherwallet.com MyEtherWallet
Opensource webapp to access Ethereum. Old and reliable. ERC20 support. Loved by phishers!
[] https://coinomi.com/ Coinomi
Opensource, supports many altcoins, fast and has perfect UI.
[] https://jaxx.io Jaxx
Reliable, Jaxx supports many of the leading cryptocurrency platforms. Crossplatform.
[] https://www.ledgerwallet.com Ledger Hardware
Reliable hardware wallet. Supports BTC/ETH/ETC/DASH/DOGE and many more coins and ERC20 tokens.
[] https://trezor.io Trezor Hardware
The first and most secure hardware wallet. Supports BTC/ETH/ETC/DASH/ and many more coins and ERC20 tokens.
[] https://www.coinbase.com/ CoinBase
Buy Bitcoin for $, NFC payments, requested payments.
[] https://wallet.mycelium.com MyCelium
Geeky wallet, easy to set miners fee, rich transaction details.
[] https://samouraiwallet.com/ Samourai
Secure Bitcoin wallet for Android.
[] https://walletlist.me WalletList
Showcase your public cryptocurrency addresses.
[] https://walletgenerator.net WalletGenerator.net
Universal JavaScript client-side wallet generator for 100+ coins.
[] https://www.blockfolio.com/ Blockfolio
Cryptocurrency management, with easy to use tools to keep track of all your cryptocurrency investments. Nice widgets. Simple. Android/iOS.
[] https://dworks.in/acrypto ACrypto
Track bitcoin and altcoins prices, custom alarms, detailed charts. Flexible, many settings, informative. Available for iOS and Android.
[] http://www.altpocket.io Altpocket
The only tool you need for showcasing, tracking and sharing your cryptocurrency investments.
[] https://coin.fyi Coinfyi
Track your performance, news and market signals related to your cryptocurrency investments. Anonymous. Simple. Free.
[] https://f0l.io f0lio
Beatutiful cryptocurrency portfolio management for mobile devices.
[] http://www.bitworth.io/ BitWorth
Cryptocurrency Net Worth Tracker for iOS.
[] https://coindexapp.com CoinDex
iOS app that lets you stay up to date with the cryptocurrency markets you want to
[] https://getdelta.io/ Delta
Ultimate cryptocurrency portfolio tracker tool for iOS and Android.
[] https://cryptocentral.ai Crypto Central
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency portfolio tracker for iOS/Android.
[] https://cryptagon.io Cryptagon
Powerful app to track portfolio. Automatic imports from exchanges.
[] https://www.cryptonomynow.com/ Cryptonomy
Portfolio tracking, social, forum, chat, ico listings, news aggregator, crypto academy. Android/iOS.
Useful Tools
[] https://bitcoinqrcodegenerator.win/ QR Code Generator
With this free tool you can instantly generate QR code for your Bitcoin/Litecoin/Ethereum/Dogecoin address. [] https://tradeblock.com/bitcoin/ Block Explorer
Discover the Bitcoin blockchain blocks online. Includes fees and miners information.
[] https://etherscan.io EtherScan
Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for Ethereum.
[] http://ethgasstation.info ETH Gas Station
Consumer oriented metrics for the Ethereum Gas Market.
[] https://metamask.io/ Metamask
Run Ethereum dApps right in your browser without running full node.
[] https://bitcoinatmmap.com/ ATM Map
Find Bitcoin ATM’s in your country.
[] https://statoshi.info Statoshi
Realtime Bitcoin node stats. Made by Jameson Lopp.
[] http://rsihunter.com/ RSIhunter
Find "oversold" and "overbought" cryptocurrencies.
[] https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cryptofinance/bhjnahcnhemcnnenhgbmmdapapblnlcn CryptoFinance
Google Sheets add-on to get cryptocurrencies rate in spreadsheets.
[] https://beta.brobot.tech/ BroBot
Personalized chatbot that controls your portfolio. Receive news and signal notifications.
[] https://github.com/exploitagency/vanitygen-plus Vanitygen Plus
Generate custom key addresses for 90+ coins.
[] https://coinpop.me/ CoinPop.me
Create shareable page for all your cryptocurrency donation addresses.
YouTube Channels
[] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLnQ34ZBSjy2JQjeRudFEDw The Cryptoverse
Your cryptocurrency news dose.
[] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwsRWmIL5XKqFtdytBfeX0g Crypto Crow Jason Appleton is a popular crypto vlogger.
[] https://www.youtube.com/user/WorldCryptoNetwork World Crypto Network
Informative news digests.
[] https://www.youtube.com/user/obham001 Crypt0 Omar is one of the most popular crypto bloggers. He creates fascinating interviews.
[] https://www.youtube.com/user/AmeerRosic Ameer Rosic News, interviews, podcasts and reviews.
[] https://www.youtube.com/user/aantonop/featured aantonop Presentations, discussions, QA by Andreas, the author of "Mastering Bitcoin".
[] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr4QRCZDXrCecaV2w4nuLeQ/ CoinSummit
CoinSummit records: startups showcases, discussions and presentations.
[] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC42Y8ajCzQ_rjS_wVTamglQ BitcoinFilm
Short films about people using Bitcoin.
[] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNcSSleedtfyDuhBvOQzFzQ/videos Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Course
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies course. 12 videos, each 45-90 mins.
[] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI9POyyP-f93JHfkhr2ma2g/featured CryptoPortfolio
YouTube channel reviewing ICOs and various cryptocurrencies.
[] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAEktd4wejD_N4aPyDPD3zw CryptoBud
Technical and fundamental analysis on how to
invest in cryptocurrency.
[] https://www.youtube.com/user/EtherCasts EtherCasts
Ancient Ethereum news, reviews and interviews channel.
[] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL05dEp7goGNiKWYdiE4nurEPFMmF9XpzF Bitcoin Playlist
Great list of 55 Bitcoin talks.
[] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnePINazJJpbn9FWaq_skQA/featured BiteSizeBitcoin
Great beginner guides. Trading and investing advices, podcasts and meetups.
[] http://www.iamsatoshi.com/ Ulterior States
Real-life conversations with some thought leaders within the Bitcoin ecosystem. The film took 3 years to complete.
The Bitcoin DocFascinating story focusing on the emergence of new world wide currency.
Life Inside Secret Chinese Bitcoin MineInteresting story about the miners of the new millenium.
[] https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook Mastering Bitcoin
Mostly for developers. The second edition was published in June 2017.
[] https://www.amazon.com/Internet-Money-Andreas-M-Antonopoulos/dp/1537000454 The Internet of Money
Significance of bitcoin through series of essays spanning the exhilarating maturation of this technology.
[] https://www.amazon.com/Ethereum-Blockchains-Decentralized-Autonomous-Organizations/dp/1523930470 Ethereum
Non-technical guide to understand blockchains. Mostly focused on Ethereum.
[] https://www.amazon.com/Age-Cryptocurrency-Blockchain-Challenging-Economic/dp/1250081556 The Age of Cryptocurrency
Insight into the modern financial system and the Bitcoin industry.
[] https://www.coursera.org/learn/cryptocurrency Coursera Course
Telling what is special about Bitcoin and how it works at technical level. Created by Princeton University.
[] https://www.udemy.com/bitcoin-or-how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-crypto Udemy Course
The definitive guide to understand what the bitcoin is and why we should care about them.
[] https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain/core-finance/money-and-banking/bitcoin/v/bitcoin-what-is-it Khan's Academy Course
The very basics of how blockchain, Bitcoin and encryption works.
[] https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/bitcoin-decentralized-technology Pluralsight Course
Introduction to Bitcoin and decentralized technology for beginners.
Other Education
[] https://club.coinpride.com CoinPride Newsletter
The most important crypto news and events. One handcrafted email per week.
[] https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Main_Page Bitcoin Wiki
Technical specifications of the protocol as well as more basic information about how to buy, sell or use bitcoins. [] http://blockchaindemo.io/ Blockchain Demo
This interactive demo will guide you through each component of blockchain step-by-step.
[] https://mycrypto.guide/ MyCryptoGuide
The guide is meant to serve as both easy-to-understand introduction to the world of cryptocurrencies.
[] http://www.badbitcoin.org Bad Bitcoin
List of known scams, HYIPs and Ponzi schemes.
[] https://github.com/Scanate/EthList EthList
The Crowdsourced Ethereum Reading List.
[] https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf Satoshi Nakamoto WhitePaper
Bitcoin fundamentals described by the creator.
[] https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-guide Bitcoin Developer Docs
Detailed information about the Bitcoin protocol and related specifications.
[] http://mapofcoins.com/bitcoin Bitcoin Forks
All bitcoin forks visualisation.
[] https://coindemo.io Coin Demo
Visual demonstration of how bitcoin transactions work.
[] https://www.rhymeswithfiat.com Rhymes With Fiat
Bitcoin webcomic (with educational notes).
[] https://stripe.com/bitcoin/ Stripe Bitcoin
Accepting Bitcoin payments made easy. Great integration from Stripe.
[] https://info.shapeshift.io/api Shapeshift
Embed exchange in your app. Trusted by hundreds of apps.
[] https://bittrex.com/home/api Bittrex
Almighty API. You can do anything with it.
[] https://poloniex.com/support/api/ Poloniex
The biggest exchange API. PHP and Python wrapper.
[] https://cryptowat.ch/docs/api CryptoWatch
Public REST API, providing basic information about all markets on Cryptowatch.
[] https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/solutions/blockchain/ Microsoft BaaS
Blockchain as Service (BaaS) from Microsoft Azure.
[] https://coinmarketcap.com/api/ CoinMarketCap
Powerful JSON API covering 1000+ coins. Limit: 1 request per 6 sec.
[] https://github.com/CoinCapDev/CoinCap.io" CoinCap
Simple and informative. Lots of altcoins. History data. No limits.
[] https://bitpay.com/ Bitpay
Use BitPay's retail, ecommerce, billing, and donation tools to accept payments.
[] https://github.com/askmike/gekko Gekko
Free and open source trading bot. GUI, CLI, NodeJS, nice docs. 18 exchanges (including Bitfinex, Bitstamp and Poloniex).
[] https://github.com/carlos8f/zenbot Zenbot
Free and open source trading bot. CLI, NodeJS. GDAX, Poloniex, Kraken, Bittrex, Quadriga and Gemini.
[] https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js Web3.js
Ethereum JS API. Requires nodejs, npm and running node.
[] https://openzeppelin.org OpenZeppelin
OpenZeppelin is open framework of reusable and secure smart contracts in the Solidity language. 1500+ Slack community members.
[] https://www.ethereum.org/cli GETHCLI tools for Ethereum. Python, C++, Go implementations.
[] https://github.com/iurimatias/embark-framework Embark
Framework for serverless Decentralized Applications using Ethereum, IPFS and other platforms. JS.
[] http://truffleframework.com/ Truffle
The most popular framework for Ethereum. JS.
[] https://epicenter.tv/ Epicenter
The Podcast at the Forefront of the Decentralized Technology Revolution.
[] http://www.bitcoin.kn/ Bitcoin Knowledge
Learn about blockchain and fintech.
[] https://soundcloud.com/blockchannelshow BlockChannel
Dedicated to educating the world on the power of blockchain based technologies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and ZCash.
[] https://etherreview.info/tagged/podcast Ether Review
Exploring the verifiable computing space through the lens of Ethereum.
[] https://etherreview.info/tagged/podcast Bitcoin Uncensored
Exploring the verifiable computing space through the lens of Ethereum.
[] https://www.icoalert.com/podcast ICO Alert Podcast
Podcast from the popular ICO tracking platform.
[] https://www.coinwarz.com CoinWarz
Mining profitability calculators. Help choosing perfect coin to mine.
[] https://whattomine.com WhatToMine?
Find the most profitable cryptocurrencies to mine.
[] https://bitcoinwisdom.com/bitcoin/difficulty Bitcoin Difficulty
Realtime Mining Statistics.
[] https://blockchain.info/pools Mining pools
Mining pool hashrate distribution.
[] http://www.whatismyhashrate.com/ WhatIsMyHashRate?
Measure your browser's hashrate.
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