Crypto Currency News: Blockchain Testing for UK National Archives

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According to Cornell University Library, “ARCHANGEL is a de-centralized platform for ensuring the long-term integrity of digital documents stored within public archives.” The problem currently being faced at the National Archives in the United

Kingdom is that it is centralized and there is the concern by the National Archives is that documents could be modified. Through ARCHANGEL, the ability to alter or modify upcoming documents will disappear.

 TNA seeing the potential for blockchain technology is a huge step for cryptocurrency worldwide. This is in particular a large step for Ethereum, since ARCHANGEL will function on Ethereum’s system. Alex Green, National Archives Digital Preservation Services Manager, stated the objective “is that blockchain ledger would be used in archives both in the UK and worldwide as a promise that no individual institution would attempt to rewrite history.” The project will not be finished overnight though, but rather it will be an 18 month study. In this study, a DLT (distributed ledger technology) model will be designed and evaluated in order for the archives to be open digitally to everyone.    

If Archangel is successful, the National Archives will become decentralized … meaning there will be the potential of privacy issues. How do you feel about this? The archives won’t be able to be altered, but in turn privacy matters are sure to arise. Do you feel this is right? Are you for or against ARCHANGEL? If ARCHANGEL is successful, this will be just the start. Tell us your thoughts!

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Works Cited

“The National Archives of the United Kingdom.” FamilySearch, 7 June 2018,
Morris, Kai. “The National Archives Testing Blockchain Technology.” Crypto Disrupt, 7 June 2018,

Zuckerman, Molly Jane. “UK National Archives Explores Blockchain to Ensure Authenticity of Digital Records.” Cointelegraph, Cointelegraph, 9 June 2018,



Im happy to see cryptocurrency is getting more widely accepted :)

Yes it is bound to take over eventually, THIS IS JUST THE START.