Trezor Allows Bitcoin BIP148/User-Activated Soft Fork (#UASF) Wallets

By allowing users to convert their Primary Treasure Node to UASF / BIP 148 node, some users consider Trezor to support BP 148, however, for its part, Trezor has written a lot about the way in public comments about BIP 148 Instead, they have worked as a responsible hardware company, and to be ready for any change in the future, just take care of yourself. Has Wsresht.

The company's innovation includes the permission to remove seg-brits, multiple supported cryptocountors, and bidetkones from secure storage network devices. By enabling BIP148 nodes to connect to Treasure consumers, the company is giving only the option of using only nodes to its users, which actively support the user's active soft fork, as announced in advance There is no opposition to any other plan. Bitcoin celebrity and mining innovator Slash had said in his tweet (Joe Trezor wrote on his own, instead of just writing anything): "Choice is yours."

During the scaling debate, there are many people who insist that companies should take positions, and many companies adhere to the suit while a company takes a technical approach that influences its basic business moving forward. , Is expected, political goodwill and politicization seen by Bitcoin companies during the whole issue only to signal serious warning of external money Can be seen in the form. Treasure has to reserve his official statements on this matter, but still provide solutions that suit the changing scenario.

Fortunately, bitcoin was subdued. Only a politicization was made, and in fact the question was not to do anything with the news, but the situation of existence created news in the first place.

I am going to say that if Bitcoin does not get his mess together, [...] If you divide the empire, then the advantage of taking the advantage of the fist is not of the power. This means that the second, the third , Or at the fourth place you can beat in the long run. [...] Understand this method of preventing political and working together. [...] When light cone is growing rapidly, then it is safer, and there is no transaction fee, they are not "little brothers", they are at risk of survival [...] I hope that the digital economy Bitcoin community can work together to avoid the division of reserve currency.

The comment did not gather too many objections The only answer was that at the same time could catch lightcore and bitcoin at the same time.

Scaling debate varies reality to most companies within the Bitcoin area, and Treasore is no different. That they maintain their initial proponent advantage to keep the product free for use, because they look right, but hopefully this is a good hope.