Become a millionaire within 3 weeks.
Take 1 dollar. Double these every day.
1 -> 2
2 -> 4
4 -> 8
8 -> 16
16 -> 32
32 -> 64
64 -> 128
DAY 8: 128 -> 256
DAY 9: 256 -> 512
DAY 10: 512 -> 1204
DAY 11: 1204 -> 2408
DAY 12: 2408 -> 4816
DAY 13: 4816 -> 9632
DAY 14 9632 -> 19,264
DAY 15: 19,264 -> 38,528
DAY 16: 38.528 -> 77.056
DAY 17: 77.056 -> 154.112
DAY 18: 154.112 -> 308.224
DAY 19: 308,224 -> 616,448
DAY 20: 616,448 -> 1,232,896
DAY 21: PAYDAY = € 1,232,896
Double every day means a trade of 100% per day.
Total 21 trades of 100%. (takes 21 days)
Or 210 trades of 10% (lasts 210 days)
Or 2100 trades of 1% (takes 2100 days)!
I hope i helped with the information. from here you can make your own plan, to reach your finacial goals!!
I'll upvote just because it is an interesting article. But I gotta ask what you trade for the dollar? Anything specific or is it at traders discretion. I'm new to the game and still learning so please be kind.