Hey guys! Here's an update on the market since yesterday!
The markets have began stabilizing today and Steem is still in the green!
Markets stabilizing suggesting we're still bullish!
What happened yesterday is likely just a bear trap as I thought! Hopefully none of you guys panic sold, but if you bought in recently (when bitcoin was around 6-7k) and sold yesterday, then you'd still have made a massive gain, congrats! Remember, don't FOMO in or out, set realistic goals and stick to them.
However, don't forget to take profits
This was my mistake. I felt on top of the world when my portfolio went x100 in less than 6 months but I only withdrew about 3 times my initial investment... before things started going to shit. Since then I've withdrawn around 10 times my initial investment altogether, which is not bad but could of been a lot better if I wasn't so greedy.
I recommend taking out your capital asap and withdrawing a bit every time you go up a bit, like withdraw 1-2% of total every time you go up 50% from last target or something, set objective targets or else you're never gonna take profits and you'll get burnt like I did...
Edit: gonna write some more since I used upvotes bots for this post!
Hey guys! I'm gonna write a bit about my thoughts of the crypto world! Where to from now? Up!
Purely based from a economics point of view, we're in a cycle, we're at the bottom, going up. The market cycle is much like a sin wave, once we pick up momentum, the gradient gets bigger thus so does the momentum! My favorite image to use is this one (and it's self-referenced!):
I feel like we're approaching the hope stage, meaning that the recovery is FAR from over and we're still in the opportunity zone, this is where millionaires are made! However, my biggest tip is still DON'T GET GREEDY!! I did and I got burnt, so I will stick to my own personal moon targets, once I hit those I will take profits and reinvest more later if it falls!!
Setting a target is really important. I tried investing in my app coins.ph months ago. For me, I do not know how to analyze the graphs. So every time I earn around 15-20% I sell it. It's pretty handy for a newbie like me. By the way thanks for the reviews and tips. 😊
Just edited my post to make it a bit longer and informative! What you're doing is absolutely crazily good for a "newbie". 15-20% might not seem like much in crypto terms, but it's years of interest in regular financial terms. Don't forget taking a 15% 10 times is actually over 300% increase due to compounding interest!
Also, I'm experience but not educated. I'm only 18 and in my first year of uni so take that into account when listening to my "wisdom", and all internet wisdom because more often than not, you don't know who wrote what!
I can remember last February when the bitcoin was at PHP300k+ (sorry for not converting it to dollar) that was at the lowest point. I converted a small amount and the day after it the price plummet. By the way thanks for making your posts much more informative. Happy trading! 😊
Yeah... I remember buying when it dipped and when it recovered a little I felt on top of the world... then within a week it fell way lower than when I bought in LOL
Always take profits!!!
what shocked my more is the thing that your profit was hudreds of thousands of $ and now become only $4k. just take it easy you may get a million $ very soon.
this is only a small correction i the market and I am pretty sure the whole market will get to new all time highs very soon, then you will not regret holding for long time.
I guess I was a bit misleading haha, basically I've cashed out 4k more than I've put in (thus the 4k profit) but I still have quite a large port folio in crypto, but nowhere near as high as what it was before!
Just hold on it until it goes to 30 000 I mean Bitcoin
In case it doesn't, it's always nice taking a bit of profit in case it falls, low risk lower reward but it helps me sleep at night! :)
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Success is on your side. Happy Thursday!💖💛🇻🇪💃🏻