My Nano Ledger S finally fucking arrived!!!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Nano Ledger S


My nano ledger s has fucking finally arrived after about a billion days waiting, and now I don't have to constantly wake up in cold sweats that some fucking internetgypsy and nicked all my shitcoins! THANKKKKKKYOUUUUU MOLOCHHHHHH!

If you are scared of some random horrible shitlords robbing all your crypto then I highly recommend you buy this shit. It basically stops anyone from putting some keyloggers or some other fucking scriptkiddy bullshit on your laptop and then stealing all your stuff, they would actually need to have physical access to your ledger, and your pin, which obviously every one of you legends would defend with your life.

When it arrived it looked a bit like this:

Then I unwrapped the little bitch and it looked like this:

No, your eyes are not deceiving you, it is small as fuck.

I assumed setting it up was going to be a pain in my gigantic cock, but it was actually pretty simple. You basically connect the little shit to your computer, create a pin code and then it gives you 24 words that you need to copy down/memorise/tattoo on your dick that act like a private key for the device.

PRO TIP: Write them down, then before you send any coins to your nano thing, make sure you can recover the nano with your recovery phrase, because if you are a total fucking plonker you might have written a word down in some spastic scrawl and not be able to read it back and it could be a total fucking disaster.

I used myetherwallet to transfer my ethereum based shit coins that I want to keep in cold storage onto this shiny fucker, it was pretty easy, although I am a world beating genius, but I suspect most of you mongs would be able to do it too. Bada bing, bada boom my shitcoins are safe and I can sleep easy.

If you want a small piece of security in a scary, scary world then click the link below and buy one of these fucks and let the big boy dip his beak in some affiliate monies:

Nano Ledger S

Buy one of those nano things and check back tomorrow for my shitcoin of the week. As a reward for being steemitbros I can tell you early that it is going to be the ICO, investing in property and getting ethereum returns, and I have a tasty little secret beak strategy for you fuckers. Check out the whitepaper and I will speak to you handsome little devils tomorrow!

Crypto Beak outtie!


Why are you praising Moloch? This is the demonic entity that people historically sacrifice kids to. (As you clearly understand since you linked Wikipedia for Moloch as well.) Are you f**king serious?

Ah newsandviews, I am glad you asked.

I was going to praise the Christian god, but then I remembered all the genocides that had happened in his name, then I was going to praise the god of the Islamic faith but then I remembered the terrible things that people do on an almost daily basis in his name, so I chose Moloch at random.

The fact that this illustrates the hypocrisy of organised religion and the normies who believe in this nonsense is, of course, a total coincidence.

Thanks for raising such a good point.

Most of the atrocities you are referencing and blaming on "Christianity" were actually not carried out by true followers of Jesus Christ, but by the organized religions such as the Vatican which is a Luciferian organization that does worship Moloch. The entire Vatican organization is veiled pagan worship, one of their main symbols is that of the Remphan Star aka "Black Sun" aka Cronos, aka Baal, aka Moloch aka Saturn (see the Jesuit Seal), and Saturn is the pagan planet that is represented by Moloch. So clearly you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to religion and should stick to tech stuff and leave religion to those who actually study it. Seems to me these atrocities and genocides were actually carried out by followers of Moloch in reality.

I came here to see the shilling of demonic entities and shitcoins, not Christianity. "True followers of Jesus Christ" - What meaningless codshit. Keep it up Beak Pimpin'

Is it also a coincidence that I don't own any ethereum, making me a poor piece of shit? I've waited eagerly all week for this; you've tricked me for the last time cryptogreek!

Yeah, great choice as an alternative - a f**king demon that people kill children for, and at random.. really? That makes sense.

How choosing Moloch to praise demonstrates the hypocrisy of organized religion is beyond me. Clearly your brilliance eludes me

The real question is which of these shitty gods will bless my ethereum. I'll pray to which ever of these fuckers will cough up the dough, suggest you do the same

Lol, my man.

Upvoted papa beak for the free munyz

Cryptobeak, Love your videos man! don't know how this shit works just got it to follow you. I came here to ask you how long will you hold your BitDice tokens for ? are you dumping them as soon as you can or holding for a while... I ask this because I'm fucking heavily invested in this after watching one of your videos.

Thanks mate

I think it is always a good plan to sell slowly, so I will be selling some when the tokens hit the exchanges and continue to sell each time the coin gets to all time highs.

Thanks for the support boss man <3

Thanks fam, you are a good man!

Forgot to ask, what about the dividends ? are you gonna hold some long term to collect that sweet cashingo for free

Yw broseph.I will be seeing how the project pans out, but I will definitely be selling some of them at some point before first dividends, and will probably hold some of them through, at least, the first dividend period.

Good to hear, keep up the good work!

How can it be shitcoin of the week if it's an ICO?

ICOs create shitcoins. Duhhhhh.

About the bitdice ICO, are you banking on a rise in future profits? Because it seems slightly overvalued if it hits $15 million by end of fund raising. (keeping in mind that 15 million buys you 68% of the coins, which in turn get you 70 %of the profit)

Afternoon Oliver.

Am I banking on a rise in future profits? I am not sure where the word future came from you div, but yes I believe that they will continue to make profits, and likely at a higher rate due to the fact that they are now accepting a wider variety of cryptocurrencies as well as the fact that the cryptocurrency market is growing at an exponential rate. Even if BitDice by some miracle manage to lose some market share they will still make more profit, so I am not sure how the shit they could possibly not continue to profit at a similar rate.

Do I think that bitdice is overvalued at a price of $30 million? Excuse the rough maths but I couldn't be fucked to calculate it my good sir. That places it at a similar valuation to Etheroll currently. Etheroll is valued at around 30mill and has made approx 600k profits. Augur is valued at over 200mill and has made 0 profits. Stox is valued at about 60 mill and has made 0 profits. BitDice has made around 10mill profits, so a 30mill valuation in the current market climate seems pretty fucking undervalued to me big man.

This is the crypto world so i am not banking on anything, but I contributed a reasonable amount of eth to this ICO and I am happy with my decision to do so.

Hope that answers all your question ollie.

In future, please refer to me as Beak Pimpin. Thank you.

Beak Pimpin,

Where can I view stats on etheroll's performance? I can't seem to find it looking at their rewards page...

As you addressed me correctly... your wish is my command. The information you seek is in these pages

sellout Kappa

What happens if you lose this shit or my missus puts it through the wash and it gets fucked. Are my gainz wiped out or is it recoverable with the 24 word phrase even if the device itself is knackered/lost/stolen?

If you lose/break the wallet or the pass phrase then you are fucked and there is nothing you can do. Better get yourself a safe stash behind a wall to be completely safe lmfao.

How long it took for that shit to arrive? I'm gonna order one later and give you the affiliate monies.