Dear @honarparvar
I'm not sure if Libra is actually receiving enough attention. I tried to talk about Libra association with several people. Some of them familiar with blockchain, others not. Pretty much all of them facebook users.
And absolutely not even one person knew what Libra is about. Telling them about current "battle" between all major corporations (working together under Libra associations) vs goverments+central banks doesn't seem to interest people. It's strange since it's a battle betwen two huge forces, the most powerful ones on the planet I would say. And yet people do not care much.
That's my impression in Europe.
a country with 2 billion people living in it (Facebook)
Good point.
However personally I don't believe in those 2 billions. How many active users facebook actually have? Users that didn't delete account and are also using it for anything else than messanger?
How many actually trust FB? They may have enormous reach, but they are lacking that trust and I surely won't use Libra and I will recommend everyone else to do the same.
projects are rising up on the hype and it reminds me of the time BTC was rising to $20k
Indeed, we surely noticed some growing interest with crypto since Libra project has been announced. Would you think that crypto market is ready for another bull run? Are we ready for another 2017? With regulators coming back to this space with full force (which would happen if mass media would talk a lot again about crypto).
Upvote on the way :)
Hi Piotr:
I agree with you when you say that you are not paying much attention to this legal battle of Facebook and FATF. Practically people do not care.
If they wanted to use this theme as part of their advertising campaign then they failed in the attempt.
Regarding the number of FB users. It seems to me that this is the true value they possess and is their "ace up their sleeve."
Image Source
Although I would instead have started an aggressive campaign of cryptography education taking advantage of the immense level of projection it has.
Your friend, Juan.
Libra is a GOOD thing.... it pits the CI_A (aka lifelog aka FB) against the bankers.
this is a case of watching the enemy destroy another branch of itself imho
From my reading I doubt FB have 1b let alone 2b active users. They are just numbers to sell marketing imho.
But the really good thing is if Libra takes on the gov regulators it will force the govs & co to write some rules that will enable the roll out of proper distributed crypto.
So in the mean time popcorn stock should be rising :-)
This article states job losses are continuing in European Banks,so maybe they are in bad shape and can't afford this kind of competition:
I deleted my FB account, it's quite an achievement for me.
Good for you brother Ashok. The king Ashoka left his kingdom in search of eternal truth. Eventually giving up his own religion and asking bakshish as a forest wanderer. He is also rumored to have created a team of 9 men who hold ancient Vedic secrets of time and space travel.
Maybe next year towards the halving day we'll have a rally in BTC.
Indeed as the banking system is getting rid of workers, Libra should get more attention. Les Echos in French was getting as far (in one article) as saying that banking jobs are going the way of steel industry jobs (in the West,at least)...
« Le secteur bancaire est en train de vivre ce qu'a vécu la sidérurgie dans le passé », reconnaît Richard Pons.
The Libra project is the right step for the Facebook team.
This social network needs to have its own financial instrument for making payments between users.
Of course, Facebook could make a payment system on the "old" and "familiar" algorithms.
But, to implement it as a crypto project - is to support the financial revolution and give billions of people hope for a new, more free and less costly, financial world.
Libra is Phoenix Rising. It is a one world currency. It is the electronic version of the pyramid, the all seeing eye.
Hi @crypto.poitr
You asked me my thoughts on this, so here they are:
I believe that Facebook wasn't fully aware of the backlash they would get when they announced Libra, (which btw is NOT a cryptocurrency but rather a digital currency). They probably assumed that they would be able to continue their global expansion into the market largely unchecked as been the case in the past.
Most people are content to let others do the heavy lifting when it comes to policing and figuring out what is acceptable or not in terms of regulation. But considering Facebook's history with mishandling public trust, I agree with you, we should be paying more attention to how the company operates and what it's true motives are.
Facebook claims that the move into the digital exchange market is a way to help their users save money by competing with the likes of Paypal and other online payment systems that charge exorbitant fees to use their services, and that may be true, but it's only part of the story. as many have pointed out, currency controlled by a non-democratically-elected board of largely massive corporations should send off warning signs.. And we have already seen politicians, and financial watchdogs ordering moratorium to halt Facebook from continuing development of Libra until more clearly defined regulations are in place.
It is in the central govt's best interest to monitor and track operations like these and I trust they will remain vigiliant in their attempts to thwart FB from achieving that level of financial control over it vast user base.. the big question is will Facebook honor the regulations, or continue to subvert these attempts and heedlessly follow their own agenda.
Late thank you for your reply @striderpunk
Would you mind sharing with me what's your impression so far after latest forks? One week after hf21 and hf21 has been introduced?
Check out my latest publication..
It brought some real emotions. I've been downvoted by over half million SP (attack of few accounts), however I also received solid support and few strong upvotes and now I will be enjoying the biggest genuine payout in my lifetime ;)
Yours, Piotr
Libra has receive all the hype, but its use case scenario is very limited, Buyers will like Paypal better and with rise in domestic e-payment systems in countries, Libra's natural market is international payments and 3rd world countries with weak banking systems.
hi Peter, thanks for comment and support.
about FB, i do agree with you.
about prices and another 2017 thing, personally as a blockchain lover, I don't care about btc prices. I'd like to see more ppl everyday buying in to the idea of cryptos and blockchain.
as a trader, I like fluctuations! so a bull run prediction seems useless for me.
and I believe it's noone's power to do so.