Half of Americans unfamiliar with crypto; quarter of the rest bullish


A poll of 1,000 Americans undertaken back in April has been published, giving a new picture to the average citizen’s outlook on the crypto markets.

It turns out that despite massive media interest last year, almost half of all Americans are still unfamiliar with bitcoin and other cryptos. Of the ones who do know about them, opinions differ substantially.

24 percent believe the value of crypto will perform positively in the next year, while 29 percent believe it will fall. A further 35 percent didn’t comment on overall trend, but expected wild fluctuations. The remaining 12 percent believe it will be stable.

What is interesting is the general lack of due diligence and research around any investment by financial decision-makers. Almost a third of Americans say they make high-risk investments – around the same number as say they do no research into investments and investment strategy at all.

Meanwhile, a survey of 5,761 Americans held at the beginning of the year found that just 5 percent owned any crypto, while a fifth were considering adding crypto to their investment portfolios.

Read more at https://www.aicpa.org/press/pressreleases/2018/americans-say-volatile-markets-are-easy-way-to-make-profit.html.

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steem wil soon moon

Those stats seem high. I feel that at most 20 percent know crypto. If half know about it I am way more bullish then I was before.

Agreed. I believe the stats are too high. I would like to note, that in other surveys that I saw, about 2-5% of the U.S. population own some kind of cryptocurrency either directly or indirectly. A lot of people say that we are in a bubble. Based on this stat alone we ARE NOT in a bubble and there is so much upside potential.

I think this statistics are positive for those of us who are already in the crypto world, I think it means that we have arrived earlier than most of the population, so hopefully it will eventually pays out.

I would like to note, that in other surveys that I saw, about 2-5% of the U.S. population own some kind of cryptocurrency either directly or indirectly. A lot of people say that we are in a bubble. Based on this stat alone we ARE NOT in a bubble and there is so much upside potential.

It depends, price is what you pay value is what you get. What is the value of cryptocurrency? We need more real life adoption to really succeed.

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With all the scare tactics being employed by the media in the US, I think it may be a while before we see our American friends develope a more positive tone towards the crypto markets. Not everyone invested into the market last year, however, everyone knew somebody who did and that coupled with the fact that many of them lost money, the encouragement to invest in an alternative asset class is too scary for most. Time will change that as more adoption comes (this could take time)


Right now I guess many people still having doubts about cryptocurrency, it will continue happening my friend @crypto.inferno but we never know if in the future it will change

interesting is the general lack of due diligence and research around any investment

We are not the Early Adopters.

We are still the Lunatic Fringe.


Not really :). The term "early adoption" in regards to technology life cycles means an adoption rate of around 2-10%. The rate in western countries is around 5-8% right now. But surely, we are still potentially facing a massive growth rate.

Wow! Amazing to hear that. Great points you make and thank you.

In the last 8 months since the last all time high the price has dropped very high and in the same time the value of the crypto economy has increased. Alone of that fact the next ath is only a matter of time. Nobody can realy know when but i'm sure it will be earlier than most people think :-)

I don't get it that the percentages are that high because when i ask people about crypto most don't know what it really is and how it works.

i think is less than 20% know about crypto, less than 5% hodl crypto.