Hade Platform: Investing in the Blockchain Age

“We aim to become the world’s largest network for investment research by utilizing blockchain technology with machine learning, data visualization, data analysis, and artificial intelligence with plans to disrupt a $50 billion industry.” ¹

Origins, Team Background

Hade has a 35 member team split between 5 divisions, being Programming, Machine Learning and AI, Database, Quality Control, and Business Development.

Brian Nichols, President and Founder, is an investor and equity analyst, and Rajesh Pavithran, CEO of Boon.Tech is an advisor. When googling Brian Nichols be sure to write “Brian Nichols investor”.

Not Brian Nichols. Or is he?

Quick Summary:

  • Hade is an equity research platform which has a unique and immense database comprising of nearly 4,000,000 unique data points that fall in over 100,000 categories on more than 4,500 companies.
  • Trusting the reports generated by an investment firm is no longer required, transparency is a given using the blockchain. The days of trusting data, research, and its results are over. Blockchain makes data verifiable.
  • Transparency also applies to advertisers using the platform. Impressions per user, time spent per page, this valuable information is stored on the blockchain.
  • To jump start adoption Hade is providing otherwise expensive (competitors start at $1,000/month) financial services for free.
  • Hade is also a social network comprising of chatrooms and forums to keep users engaged on the platform. HADE Tokens are given as rewards to users who complete certain tasks.
  • Can purchase premium services from the Hade Store using the HADE Token.

Diving In the Detail

The 2008 financial meltdown should have taught people that placing their trust and money in major financial institutions is not a wise decision. With blockchain technology, trust is unnecessary. Enter the Hade platform.

Hade platform is an equity research platform, which is a platform that provides insight and analysis into a company, sector, or entity for investors to then use to make decisions. Hade is able to provide these otherwise expensive financial services for free to its users.

Source: Hade Whitepaper

One of the major selling points are the low fees, which Hade is able to have due to a transparent advertising system. Advertising runs on the blockchain as well, and potential marketing clients can see the impressions per user and make an informed decision on the success of an ad campaign.

Hade states in its whitepaper that it has, to its knowledge, the worlds most valuable database when it comes to equity research. This combined with the use of blockchain technology separates Hade from the competition.

“…being able to source the origination of each data point in a decentralized, verifiable, immutable ledger would be game-changing as a way to support the accuracy, management, and reliability of our database, which is the most important component to our business.” ¹

The Hade Database Separates the Men From the Boys

Hade provides plenty of insight into their database, how they acquired information, how it outranks its competitors, and why it is the best.

The Hade platform includes unique company data, manually collected by analysts. This aggregation comprises of nearly 4,000,000 unique data points that fall in over 100,000 categories on more than 4,500 companies. With a click of a button a user can compare any one data point with another.

Source: Hade Whitepaper

Additionally, an investor using Hade can generate real time research reports on any of the 4500 companies on the platform. During testing these prediction and forecast reports were 57% more accurate than Wall Street competitors. Again, Hade is able to achieve this using its large and unique database.

HADE Token Use Cases

Purchasing premium services on the Hade Marketplace:

Source: Hade Whitepaper

  • Enterprise customers (users who manage an organizations assets) can license Hade Platform services on their companies designed subdomain (AbcFinance.HADEPlatform.com). These users would purchase HADE in bulk.
  • Selling tokenized investment products like mutual funds and ETFs.
  • Advertisers use HADE Token to purchase ad spots
  • HADE Tokens are airdropped as rewards to active users. Active meaning posting in forums, posting charts, engaging on the platform.

    Source: Hade Whitepaper


Hade is the first investment platform to enter the cryptospace, and it is run by a highly qualified team. Rajesh Pavithran is an advisor and CEO of Boon.Tech, a freelancer marketplace. Greg Tavalsky, Vice President of Digital Media Sales at IBM is both an advisor to Hade and Boon.Tech.

The whitepaper is a breath of fresh air in the cryptospace, focusing on competitors and real problems needing to be solved.

Bringing transparency to a notoriously greed filled cesspool that is Wall Street is just one aspect of Hade that truly makes it stand out in the cryptosphere.

Disclaimer: I do hold Hade Token. Reasons for doing so all listed above. Recent bullish events include release of Hade Pay (will write about this soon), listing its marketcap on coinmarketcap (much more exposure), and plenty of money behind the platform for exchange listings and marketing.

