I think trading cryptocurrencies is really best learned when experienced! We can read all we want and see how others have fared, but things would stick better when we experience them for ourselves.
I see all these very good traders, and I'm pretty sure they also had their mistakes when they started!
You're right... and for better or worse, the learning never ends. There are always new mistakes to be made -- and most people keep making the same mistakes over and over, and possibly never really learn.
I do, however, think that there are certainly rules out there that you should follow and not deliberately try to "experience" for yourself -- like practising first with small amounts, not investing more than you're willing to lose, not taking stock tips from random people, following pump-and-dumpers, etc.
I agree. It all depends on the person as well, I think, if he or she is able to "do the right thing" as soon as she steps into the crypto world.
There's still a lot to learn, even for myself! I've only recently started last year and I've already had lots of experiences, both good and bad.
Same here... good luck! I'm no expert, but always happy to share an opinion :)