We have another crypto interview with Ameer Rosic of Blockgeeks.com,
Ameer helps us understand a popular question regarding what a Smart
Contract is and also gets us up to speed with Ethereum and the
reassuring fact that not all Hard Forks can be a bad thing.
With the surge of popularity in Blockchain based technology we also
discuss Bitcoin’s future, the importance it not becoming political and
the Government’s stance on crypto currencies overall.
To get more from Ameer: Block Geeks
01:10 What attracted Ameer to the Bitcoin space?
02:20 Long term dominance of Bitcoin
04:50 Ethereum Will Hard Fork Again, Is it a bad thing for Bitcoin?
08:20 Cryptos are a utility not money!
09:40 The benefit of Crypto currency in developing nations
12:20 Why Bitcoin can become more important than the internet
14:30 What is a Smart Contract?
17:20 Government and the coming regulations
21:05 Ethereum going to Proof Of Stake and Litecoin Insights
23:20 How to protect your Crypto Currency and closing thoughts!
Great content
Oh yeah, got crushthestreet on here now, Welcome!