From the way you wrote this, I gather that your uncle has passed? If so, I'm very sorry for your loss. I empathize very much with his struggles. I've spent a large portion of my life battling the IRS and other blood-sucking thieves and robbers.
I also find the crypto world very promising and filled with great potential hope for the "common man."
Thanks @creatr and yes he passed away some time ago. His battle, and mantel was passed to others so the fight continues in new, and different ways. Decentralized Cryptocurrencies are an amazing invention, and if the people embrace it it's hard for the government to keep as many secrets. We only have to cut off the food the snake feeds on.
The trouble is, the beast/snake creates its own food, even when we ignore it.
Nevertheless, we each do what we can... ;)
As more people join the fight we slow the beast, and help to prepare for what comes. We have an obligation to resist evil. Financial slavery is evil, and that is part of what crypto helps fight.
I'll say a hearty "Amen" to that! Good to have you with me in the fight! ;)
Amen indeed!