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RE: Encrypt Your Identity with CIVIC

Civic seems like a great tool to utilize in order to keep yourself and your information safe and out of harms way from the dangers that lie within the so-called black market of the cryptoworld. I was curious to hear your thoughts as to whether or not you think something similar could happen with Civic as we saw with Equifax in hackers demobilizing users information? Civic seems to comprise many valuable tools to help against this sort of occurence with their monitoring system, full time support, alerts, etc. but what is the underlying feature that will allow this to be superior when compared to similar entities?

I am always weary about this sort of stuff, but you seem to really have an overarching and well-rounded understanding of this niche area.... I am curious to hear what you think @heiditravels


I think whether something is attractive to hack or not depends on what information is stored. While you certainly wouldn't want anyone to get enough of your private information to commit identity theft, I'm not sure if it's the most profitable endeavour for a hacker. I kind of assume their priority would be more directly economically related and I certainly hope that neither Equifax nor Civic stores all your necessary payment information.

valid point you make here, thanks for sharing what you thought about my question; appreciate it!