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RE: GTWCA-88 | Strong?

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago (edited)

Hey, those "fake threats" came months into them flagging me, they drove me crazy it is not my falult. I did my research before making any fake threats as to see that I didn't get into trouble. Also they weren't real threats, you and marky don't know the law and the english language. Learn to read and know before speaking to me. I know it all - Bitch! You wan't some flags mofo? If it was a threat then why aren't I in jail then? Why don't they press charges?? It was a joke that's why! lol I could sue steemit for the slander, but I'm not going cause I could are less! lol !! This is the USA freedom of Speech, I can be mean, hate, wish death, whatever, don't matter, it's legal speagle whatever I do! ! Don't be talking shit to me, I already cleared things up with themarkymark yesterday! So what I was rude, it is the friggin internet on the free blockchain! End of Story, it is over, never to bring up again! Anyway I'm not mean, I'm wise! lol