Worldcoinindex - A Great Crypto Analysis Tool

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)



there are many cryptocoin indexes out there and they all have their pros & cons.
One of my favourites is worldcoinindex for a few reasons. Graphically, it's easy on the eye, well organised and the mobile version is cleverly scaled so that it performs almost exactly the same as a on a pc with a few subtle exclusions.


Live Updates

WCN gives live prices 24/7 aggregated from the major exchanges which gives a fair price estimate for each coin and you can easily see which prices are rising and falling by the intemittent green & red highlighting as prices change based on trading (which also makes it feel accurate and up to date).


It also gives you the Wall Street / Stock Exchange experience of flashing information. In reality it's a good indication of how busy trading is at any gjven moment and sometimes, it's on fire for one, several or all coins.

Coin Snapshot

if you click on any coin you see a simple coin profile with volume 24hr high / low & % plus and minus & current price. You also see the major exchange prices and a current volume graph.


Coin Analysis

If you want to check a coins past performance there are 24hr / 1/ 7 day /1/3/ 6mth / annual & all time price graphs which load quickly and a cross hair will guide you across the price history so you can easily torture yourself about how you
could have loaded up on watchamething when they were 10 to the penny.


Currency Selector

WCN allows you to view the whole site quickly in a wide range currencies from a simple drop down menu, which for me is a standout feature.

Many indexes report only in BTC price which means that unless you can convert bits to ¥$€£ in your head (I can't, luckily Google can) it's difficult to see at a glance whether you're about become a paper millionaire (again) or your investments have tanked, so you know immediately if you're A)dining out tonight or B) taking home a sell by date bargain from the 7-11.


Choose your Metrics

When looking at the master coin list on the homepage which displays 100 coins per page & defaults to order by volume, you can easily select by alphabetical order (handy if you want to look a coin up), by volume, percentage price increase (or click again) for decrease, or by last reported price.

User Experience

Worldcoinindex cares about the user and so they should. Their main revenue source is advertising and the banners are thoughtfully placed to not overtake the page. They tend to intersperse the list and as you'd imagine, the banner links are generally relevant.

You can quickly look up a coin with their predictive search tool by name or ticker. A nice touch.

Next Time

There are many other indexes and another good one, perhaps almost better is some ways for the more complex analysis and ranking is coingecko which I will cover in another post.

In the meantime

if you have any questions I'll try my best to answer them. Stay-Frosty and remember always conduct your own research before investing