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RE: Burstcoin @ Asset Exchange

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

The problem with media whores they go with crowd of popular opinion, In this case I see you are trying to profit by starting a pump and dump of burst coin..
We all know burst is a NXT clone and has no value... All you will do is destroy your hard drive by mining it. This partnership you talk about is like 2 years old and no results. wake up and smell the truth about ethereum the slockit team was a scam to start with glossy bits teasers, If you buy into the crypto porn hype cycle you will always be burned.. One bad apple does not make the barrel rotten.. Ethereum acted in the best interest of there community they found a problem and fixed it. The etheruem community supports it, and the bitcoin maxipads do not.... I think you do not understand ethereum is not a store of value but only fuel on a plattform... like all fuel it is meant to be used and consumed, the value of the fuel is only based on how much supply... ETC think it bitcoin 2 and better then ethereum, But they all misunderstand why ethereum was made.