in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

The concept of the internet is one that is quite fascinating. To think that our collective lives are made so much bearable simply by a network of computers communicating through servers and a host of platforms is rather remarkable. This is further appreciated when we consider the foundations of society, strip away all the material things and all we have left is each other as humans and communication becomes rather crucial. Even the monetization of such communications can quickly become a huge commercial opportunity, sadly, only for a handful of people whom are known today as “social network providers”. In today’s market, valuations hover around $ 500 billion for the commercialization of social network, online activity and even online presence. However, the catch is that these social network providers were initially entrusted with the privacy of people who use their platform, people who were sold on the idea of altruism put were left with the short end of the stick. This revelation begs the question: Don’t you think you should be entitled to a portion of the riches made off of your data?
A team of intellectuals have put ideas together to make things work better, thereby introducing what is known as SPHERE SOCIAL.

At Sphere we believe it is finally time to stand up to these companies and essentially take back the internet!. Sphere was borne out of the deep rooted belief that any and every social platform saddled with the responsibility of maintaining and furthering human interaction should uphold privacy, company transparency, and data security as the fundamental building block. This would effectively introduce some notion of equity as a proportion of the proceeds from the commercialization of data would be appropriated to the actual owners of the data. In keeping with the pursuit of equity, we have created a decentralized social network, completely removed from what is obtainable with large corporations. This system fully empowers the user in the sense that it adequately compensates users for every click and social connection made on the platform.

The goal for Sphere is to freely explore creative solutions that assure continuity of her beliefs and maintain the notion of equity. This becomes very important when we consider the fact that social media has steadily grown from a simple novelty used primarily to keep friends updated and included in our daily lives, social media now lends itself as a source of entertainment, news and a virtual community. A near guess would place active users of social media for the activities mentioned at about 3 billion people, this paints a rather vivid picture of the gross level of exploitation by conventional social media houses. Imagine for a moment, the volume of data gifted to conventional social media houses, unknown to users, to be generated, saved, and often sold to the highest bidder for a handsome bounty.

Sphere aims to position itself as a change agent in redefining how social media interacts within our lives. Sphere believes that “security” is key to winning in this just crusade and as such solutions put forward by Sphere would do away with large collections of centralized servers that are susceptible to hacking, storing troves of rather sensitive data to be utilized as companies deem fit. Consequently, a more latent approach is adopted which lends itself to transparency, honesty and an open blockchain format which would legally empower every user hold Sphere accountable for the protection of data. Sphere is comfortable with assuming this responsibility as it works towards building the perception of users to see it beyond just a “social network”, Sphere is built upon the main prin¬ciples of privacy and security as an undeniable right, giving each user unprecedented protection and se¬curity and allowing you to connect with everyone you know safely, and most importantly, securely.

It is no secret that social media has since moved from being merely a tool for friends and loved ones to stay connected but has now evolved into a commercial hub and it continues to evolve but mostly with little or no monetary compensation for users. Businesses have found a way to harness the volume of raw data and spearheaded more targeted marketing and advertising campaigns of goods and services, banking on the knowledge that social media users are also consumers. This was also true for emails, when emails became popular, it ushered in the tool that is “targeted email” and this cycle will continue and Sphere is not looking to impede these developments (which come at a cost to businesses that adopt this approach) but rather introduce a sense of equity.
It must be said that over the years, this method of advertising has proven to be ineffective. Estimates suggest that a considerable amount of all “views, clicks,” or other metrics used in the measurement of campaign penetration never actually reach a potential consumer. So, the observation that some businesses still opt to employ these ineffectual techniques and quite frankly wasting funds is rather strange. These funds could be put to better use and allocated towards more effective means of marketing instead of this outdated and unwanted form of advertisement. The response of most businesses that adopt this ineffective technique is that they soon resort to price increase in a bid to absorb advertisement costs and maintain a healthy profit margin, this move becomes even more counterproductive in the sense that it further alienates potential customers. In all this, the experience between consumers and businesses has been grossly undermined, however, the advertisers (orthodox social media outlets etc) are well compensated by virtue of seemingly exorbitant fees charged.
To put things succinctly, the protection of the “experience between consumers and businesses” would be achieved with the removal the overdependence of intermediaries, and this is as the heart of what Sphere aims to achieve whilst creating a platform that allows an uninhibited interaction between targeted audience of consumers and businesses. The beauty of what Sphere proposes is that it is simplistic and yet innovative as it allows businesses target consumers directly, with both sides gaining something. One might wonder how? , we started off by pointing out that consumers deposited data was being commercialized with little or no monetary compensation to the consumer, however, under the arrangement put forward by Sphere, we would see an increase in privacy and the decision to commercialize and profit from browsing data would lie solely in the hands of the consumers. On the other hand, businesses benefit from truly knowing that their marketing campaigns are reaching their desired audience more effectively, cutting down on the cost of marketing.
Sphere strongly believes that the solution put forward can be achieved through the creation of a decentralized social environment, an environment in which Sphere is able to increase total value adequately spread across the entire consumer-seller marketplace. In this marketplace, the value of data would not be deduced from the traditional views or clicks, but rather on the actionable effect it has on conversions.

With SHERE, there are no third parties (intermediaries), consumers can directly relate with service providers and on the consumers end, there is increase in privacy, and browsing habits are no longer sold out. And on the companies/service providers end, firms advantage from genuinely realizing that their showcasing efforts are contacting their coveted group of onlookers all the more adequately, eliminating the cost of advertising.
 The rights of consumers are protected through a block chain distribution method.
 No Marketing disruption, goods and services are traded with ease between consumers and service providers.
 Utilizing a Decentralized Social Environment, SPHERE is Able to Increase Total Value Spread across the Entire Consumer-Seller Marketplace, therefore, businesses both big and small can directly reach their target access without waste of funds in the process.
 With SPHERE, Marketing cost is reduced to the barest minimum as companies marketing campaigns reach their desired audience more effectively.
 With the Social Activity Token (SAT) transactions are facilitated within the social network (Community) with ease in a secure and yet transparent manner.

Sphere has developed a brand new digital currency to be used within the social media space and would be in keeping with the fundamental vision of Sphere; “compensation for social activity”. The currency is named Social Activity Tokens (SATs) and it can serve as legal tender for a host of functions including the funding of grass root campaigns and movements, which would ordinarily be stifled by greedy corporations benefiting from the existing status quo.
SAT is a digital currency designed to be used within Sphere – a new, private, and secure social media platform that offers an integrated, decentralized market, complete with its own advertising platform.
Sphere is satisfied with the promise that SATs hold in promoting a digital revolution, and as such, Sphere is extending an invitation by way of an open offering to everyone who is ready to partake in something unique. Passing up on this invite would be ill advised as this would set the precedent for the entire value of the SATs. And once it’s over, no more SAT tokens will ever be produced.
The discussion around the value of data would also imply compensation for said value. As earlier mentioned, Sphere has created a new digital currency known as Social Activity Tokens (SATs) to be used in settlements.
SPHERE puts her users and token holders first, with the aid of a cloud server, safeguarded with cutting edge security system, all within a system for which SATs are accepted for settlements with no recourse for conventional banking institutions. SPHERE has plans for making a completely practical promoting gateway. The publicizing/ advertising entry will enable clients to make advertisement pieces that will be shown in the Sphere news feed.

1 SAT = 0.14 USD
ERC20 Compliance: Tokens must be maintained in an ERC20 compliant Ethereum wallet to take advantage of the rewards.
“Advertising space will be paid for using SAT tokens. There will be per-click and per-impression options, with costs deducted automatically from the advertisers’ web wallets”.

Be part of Sphere’s historic Initial Coin Offering by being the first in the world to hold Social Activity Tokens.
As earlier mentioned, Sphere is extending an invitation to the public who are interested in partaking in something truly unique and revolutionary. To this end, Sphere would be floating her initial coin offering of Social Activity Tokens (SATs). The ICO details and timeline follow as stated below:

SAT Crowdsale
Name of token: Social Activity Token
Symbol: SAT
Token Standard: ERC20 Standard
Decimals: 8
Role of Token: Utility Token. Use for purchase goods and services on social media platform
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 SAT
Available token for sale: 650,000,000 (65% of supply)
Emission: All unsold and unallocated tokens will be destroyed, and additional release of tokens will not be possible.
Period of Sale: 12 February 2018 UTC 21:00 to 9 April 2018 UTC 21:00
Cost of 1 SAT: $0.14
Softcap/Minimum Goal: $1.5 million – softcap goal reached
Hardcap/Maximum Goal: $40 million
Accepted currencies: Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Fiat.

In keeping with Sphere’s pursuit of transparency, the ICO will make a total of 65% of all available SATs available to the public participants through the ICO. 1% of all tokens would be exclusively reserved for Sphere’s team and advisory staff. A further 17% would be earmarked for social network development and 9% retained for the company.
The budget outlined below presumes a scenario where our minimum cap of $1.5 million has been reached. Additional funds raised after the minimum cap will be used to add additional features to the application, API development, research, marketing and overall growth of the platform. Funds raised from the ICO will be distributed as follows:
Application Development: 60%
Marketing & Promotion: 15%
Company: 15%
Legal: 5%
Security: 5%

2016: Sphere development starts on iOS and Android apps
2017 - Q1: Groundwork Preparation for ICO
2017 – Q2: Further Application Development
2017 – Q3: ICO Marketing
2017 – Q4: ICO Pre-sale start
2018 – Q1: ICO Crowdsale Starts, Back-end update and Security Integration (February 12 – April 9: ICO)
2018 – Q2: Ad Platform
2018 – Q3: Sphere Marketplace
2018 – Q4: Complete Trustless and Decentrlized Social Network
Into the Future: More Features Coming.

Sphere is built on the idea that privacy, company transparency, and data security should be the fundamental building blocks of every social platform.
Sphere is an already existing product on the Google Play Store and the web. The iOS app beta is released for download on Apple App Store. Beta Android App Release v.2.1.41 AND Beta IOS App Release v.1.2

SPHERE: Creating a decentralized social network, totally different from other corporations.

With SPHERE, You have a say, you get compensated, and above all you take back the power with every click and every social connection.
Sphere believes that revolutionary ideas are only as good as the execution of said ideas, so, we have assembled a team of creative professionals with the technical knowhow to bring to life the ideas of Sphere and these are listed below.
SPHERE Team and Advisors.JPG
Sphere looks forward to a future that is fair for all and we hope you will be part of that future.

Website: https://sphere.social
Whitepaper: https://sphere.social/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Sphere_Whitepaper_v1.7.4.pdf
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/SphereSocialNetwork
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SphereOfficial1
Telegram: https://t.me/sphere_official1

AUTHORED BY: cliffdex
AUTHOR’S BITCOINTALK URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1781660
ETHEREUM WALLET ADDRESS: 0x29d1Fff9f61dcB1508454BfF52eAeA0881D81e43